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Gallen recommends students to plan to spend around CHF 1'700 or approximately € 1200 per month for basic needs.

Gallas' relationship soured with Mourinho to such an extent that he was threatened with the possibility of spending the rest of the campaign in the club's second string, before an eventual accord was struck with Arsenal. 加拉斯和穆里尼奥交恶甚深,以至于在于阿森纳最终达成协议之前,后者曾威胁将他调入俱乐部二队消耗他的剩余切尔西岁月。
Gallas's insistence on looking to the future has been mirrored by Gunners chairman Peter Hill-Wood, who now hopes his side can bury the hatchet with London rivals Chelsea. 加拉对未来的期望也反映出了阿森那主席伍德的愿望,现在他希望能和切尔西停止对抗。
Gallaudet says it is the world's only liberal arts university where everything is designed for deaf or hard-of-hearing students. 哪个学校是专门为聋哑学生或者听力有障碍的学生设计的,是。
Gallaudet says it is the world‘s only liberal arts university where everything is designed for deaf or hard-of-hearing students. 加了的特说这是世界上唯一的专门为聋哑或者听力困难的学生合计的自有艺术大学。
Gallegos was elected to New Mexico's first Territorial Council in 1851. 盖乐葛斯在1851年被选为新墨西哥的第一任地方长官。
Gallen recommends students to plan to spend around CHF 1'700 or approximately € 1200 per month for basic needs. 一般来说,中国学生每月大概需要800-1000瑞士法郎。
Galleries show how the region has been at the heart of centuries of social and economic change and pay homage to the people who helped to build and shape it - and those who continue to do so. 展览馆体现了这个地区世纪以来如何在社会和经济变化中成为中心,并向帮助重建和继续这样做的人们表达敬意展览馆体现了这个地区世纪以来如何在社会和经济变化中成为中心,并向帮助重建和继续这样做的人们表达敬意。
Gallery owner Anthony Brunelli said of 10 pieces about to go on show, six were already sold, and that the remaining four could fetch between $8-10,000. 美术馆经理安东尼·布鲁内利说(展览会)将会展出玛勒的10幅画,其中6幅已经售出了,其余四幅预计可以卖到8000到10000美元。
Galley and L-shape layout is flexible and changeable to be suitable for different space. 一字和L型的组合结构,灵活多变以致适用于不同空间,生活从此更增添了难能可贵的奇妙意境。
Galley and laundry equipment to be done function. 厨房、洗衣间设备交验。
Galliani admitted earlier this week they will sign a top quality replacement should Dida fail to sign new terms. 早前加利亚尼曾经承认,如果迪达的合约不能谈妥,他们将签下一名世界顶级的门将作为替代。

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