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It has discovered common faults of various experimental collections and agreed well with the CHF data of annular tubes and rectangular channels in water and other liquids.

It has cooperated with renowned garment enterprises in Japan, Britain, Italy and other countries successively and imported internationally advanced equipment and production techniques. the 160.000sqm Natsun Garment Industrial Park, over 4,000 highly skill 占地面积16万㎡的南山服饰工业园,4000余名术业专精的优秀员工,3000余台套世界一流设备,160万套中高档西服的年设计产能,都为南山职业装的卓越品质提供了坚实的保障。
It has crafted small molecules that cross the blood-brain barrier in adult mice and activate the signaling pathway to either defend against damage or restore neural function in an area of the brain that has been altered to mimic Parkinson's disease. 库里斯公司制造了一些可通过成年小鼠血脑屏障的小型分子,这些小型分子所活化的讯息传递路径,可以保护脑细胞免于受到伤害,或是在模拟因帕金森氏症而造成伤害的脑区,可恢复其神经功能。
It has created a wonder in the Chinese liquor brand operation with its swift development and far-reaching influence! 发展之迅猛,影响之深远,创造了中国白酒品牌经营的奇迹!
It has deep psychological causess. 它的频繁出现,有着深层的心理因素。
It has developed the ideas of military strategy of Sunzi and Wuzi, emphasizing economy as the foundation in governing a country, and military affairs are subject to economy and politics. 《尉缭子》发展《孙子》,《吴子》军事谋略思想,强调经纪是治国之本,而军事从属于经济,政治。
It has discovered common faults of various experimental collections and agreed well with the CHF data of annular tubes and rectangular channels in water and other liquids. 理论式和本实验及其他文献的套管,长方形通道的最大热通量实验数据进行了比较,在流路狭长的情况时两者相当吻合。
It has dismissed the West Coast strategy as a ploy to reduce Taiwan to the status of a partner of a Chinese province rather than a nation in its own right. 他们排斥西海岸计划,因为这一策略将使台湾从一个拥有国家主权沦落为中国一个省合作的地位。
It has done this in two ways: by increasing complexity, and by forging tighter links between various markets and securities, making them dangerously interdependent. 两个途径造成了这种结果:通过增加复杂性和通过形成各种市场与有价证券更紧密的联系,让它们危险地相互依赖在一起。
It has earned a profit of 55 million US dollars in the first half of this year. 主要生产针织内衣,外套,中高档时装,其80%的产品出口东南亚,今年上半年赢利5500万美金。
It has eleven units in the book. 书中有十一个单元。
It has emerged that Lazio have taken an unusual measure to try and ease their injury woes and enlisted the services of an exorcist! 拉齐奥采用了不寻常的方式去试图解决伤病带来的困扰---请求神的帮助!

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