英文: Besides aching, I fee1 stiffening and fatigue.
中文: 除了疼痛外,我感到发硬和疲乏。
英文: It is not book-learning young men need, nor instruction about this and that, but a stiffening of the vertebrae which will cause them to be loyal to a trust, to act promptly, concentrate their energies: do the thing—“Carry a message to Garcia!
中文: 年轻人更需要的不是书本上的知识,也不是他人的种种教诲,而是敬业精神,忠诚于上级的托付,迅速采取行动,全心全意去完成任务—把信交给加西亚。
英文: Now scientists have improved rice once again, this time by stiffening the plant.
中文: 当前,科学家已经再次改善了稻子,这次的改善是通过使作物变硬。
英文: The calender frames are provided with stiffening ribs and distension treatment granting the maximum rigidity together with the absence of distortions and vibrations.
中文: 压延机框架带有加强肋,并经过膨胀处理,从而赋予最佳的刚性,防止发生扭曲和振动。
英文: The mitral-valve tenting area was also measured and used as a quantitative index for leaflet stiffening and apical displacement of leaflet coaptation.
中文: 对二尖瓣幕状区也进行测量,作为定量参数评价发生瓣叶僵硬和瓣叶接合处顶部移位。