英文: For the last time he rushed. The man struck the shrewd blow he had purposely withheld for so long, and Buck crumpled up and went down, knocked utterly senseless.
中文: 在他作最后一搏时,那人有意等了许久,然后给了他稳又准的一拳,巴克便缩成一团,跌落下来,毫无知觉地撞到地上。
英文: However, Government was required to re-issue the ten-cent and five-cent notes in 1964 for the last time when the Royal Mint could not comply with the order for these coins to be issued for use during the Chinese New Year.
中文: 在一九六四年,皇家造币厂未能如约铸成足够数量的一毫和五仙的硬币,香港政府逼于再次发行丁一毫和五仙纸币以供农历新年期间应用,是该等纸币最后一次发行。
英文: I watched its whole magnificence for the last time as if it were the first.
中文: 我最后一次欣赏这壮观的景色就好像我是第一次看一样。
英文: That night, for the last time in my life but one – for I was a big twelve years old-I cried.
中文: 那天晚上,是我这段生活中的最后唯一的时光.因为我已经有12岁大了,为此,我哭了.
英文: We met that lady for the last time on the corner.
中文: 我们最后一次看到那位女士是在街角。