英文: 27 The day wore away, and even through the twilight they could see the lone ivy leaf clinging to its stem against the wall.
中文: 白天慢慢过去了,即便在暮色黄昏之中,他们仍能看到那片孤零零的常青藤叶子,背靠砖墙,紧紧抱住梗茎。
英文: A visitor savors a twilight run along a beach on the island of Tobago.
中文: 在多巴哥岛黎明的微光里,一位旅者正在海边怡人风光中跑步。
英文: As Mr Baldwin points out, they made pronouncements about entire “sectors” of the economy (heralding the dawn of some industries; the twilight of others) and whole classes of workers (the college-educated versus the rest) whose fortunes were tied to them.
中文: 用鲍德温的话来说,这些经济学家对经济领域中的每个“行业”都有一个宣判(宣布那些产业为新兴产业,那些又是夕阳产业),而且所有的雇工阶层(包括高校毕业生及其他)的命运都系于此。
英文: At any clear nightfall around now, look for two very noticeable objects in the western twilight sky.
中文: 在任何一个明朗的黄昏,你可以在天空西部的暮色中寻找两颗非常能够吸引人们眼球的物体。
英文: But in this twilight world which is neither at peace nor at war, and where there is insurance against certain immediate, downright, personal disasters, for most Americans there remains only anxiety over what may happen, might happen, could happen.
中文: 但是,在这个既非和平又非战争的、扑朔迷离的世界里,在这个对个人的飞来横祸都有着保险的地方,因为那里的大多数美国人只存在唯一的忧虑,那就是有可能发生什么事,或许会发生什么事,万一会发生什么事。