英文: A bullfrog was croaking in the distance.
中文: 一只牛蛙在远处呱呱地叫。
英文: Bullfrog 50 Inflicts poison when your enemy damages you at short range.
中文: 牛娃50对近距离攻击你的敌人造成毒伤。
英文: The amplifier contained fifty-seven switches,a number otherwise familiar in the Heinz pickle ads,and if by their assiduous manipulation a record from a still active bullfrog nerve appeared by 5:00 p.m.we call it a banner day.
中文: 供大家学习参考,也欢迎指导放大器由57个开关,这个数字我们从在别处熟悉的亨氏泡菜广告上也看到过,如果通过操控这些开关到了下午5点出现一个仍然有反应的牛蛙神经的记录,那这就是值得庆贺的一天。
英文: There was no moon; besides, there was not a sign of life around but the distant barking of a dog and the twang of a bullfrog from a neightboring marsh.
中文: 没有月亮,除了远处的狗吠和附近沼泽的蛙鸣之外,在也没有任何生物的气息。
英文: Why does the Bullfrog dig a trench to bring life-saving water to his tadpoles, while the Mole Rat expects his young to guard him with their lives?
中文: 相对地,河马爸爸就粗心大意得多,牠们甚至会不小心地践踏死自己的子女,也不动容。