英文: China, as the host of the talks, hopes all the parties will take into consideration the overall situation for the safeguarding of peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, show sincerity to solve the issue, adopt a calm and patient attitude, respect ea
中文: 中国,作为会谈的东道主,希望各方面都能从保护朝鲜半岛的和平与稳定的全局考虑,以诚意解决问题,采取克制和冷静的态度,互相尊重,在公平的地位上实施协商,寻找共同点减少分歧让会谈持续下去并最终产生和平的结果。
英文: 0 No consideration of ESD aspect.
中文: 没有考虑到静电方面带来之问题.
英文: 1 In consideration of the payments to be made by the Purchaser to the Supplier as herein mentioned, the Supplier hereby covenants with Purchaser to provide the Goods and Services and to remedy defects therein in conformity in all respects with the provisi
中文: 鉴于买方按合同规定付款给供方,供方保证向买方提供货物、服务和弥补缺陷,并保证货物和服务完全符合合同规定。
英文: 1 Samter M, Beers RF. Intolerance to aspirin. clinical studies and consideration of its pathogenesis. Ann Intern Med, 1968, 68:975-983.
中文: 2张茸,张宏誉.阿司匹林哮喘的发病率.中华结核和呼吸杂志1985,8:187.
英文: 15 July Official call by the governor inviting clubs to submit suggestions for the office of governor for consideration by the nominating committee and announcing 15 September as the deadline for receipt of such suggestions by the nominating committee cha
中文: 7月15日总监正式邀请扶轮社向总监办事处提出推荐人选让提名委员会来考虑,并宣布这些推荐人选都必须在9月15日以前送交至提名委员会主委处。