英文: A group of Muslim activists who challenged 24 bosses over the show's portrayal of Islamic terrorists two seasons ago are attacking the program again.
中文: 一穆斯林激进团体再次抨击制作<24小时>电视连续剧的老板们,其原因就是该连续剧在两季节目以前对穆斯林恐怖主义者的描述不当.
英文: Airports' security officers are on the lookout for terrorists practicing attacks.
中文: 机场安检人员正在密切关注恐怖分子的活动。
英文: Alan Brill, Senior Managing Director and Technologist at Kroll, explains why he and other security experts believe that tech-savvy terrorists can - and indeed may - do serious damage to corporate assets, beginning with information systems.
中文: 有专家警告攻击行动不只限于实体及生命的攻击,恐怖份子亦有可能透过电子作战、网路攻击方式,瘫痪各种通讯。
英文: Alan Zelicoff, a senior scientist at Sandia National Laboratories, remarks that “it might be nice to have something other than high-speed lead, chemical explosives and other lethal means to quell riots or even deny terrorists their targets.
中文: 美国山迪亚国家实验室的资深科学家泽利科夫说︰「不靠高速子弹、化学爆裂物等致命方法,而用其他方法来镇压暴动乃至不让恐怖份子得逞,这未尝不是件好事。」
英文: And the Palestinian terrorists who blew up a Tel Aviv nightclub last Friday underscored the continuing fragility of what has now been almost two months of steady political and diplomatic progress between Israelis and Palestinians.
中文: 而上周五巴勒斯坦恐怖分子在特拉维夫一家夜总会制造的爆炸事件再一次提醒人们:以色列与巴勒斯坦之间持续了近两个月的政治和外交进展依然如履薄冰。