英文: 1987 The Chinese Communits Party held its 13th National Congress from October 25 to November 1 in Beijing.
中文: 中国共产党十三大于10月25日至11月1日在北京召开。
英文: A comparison of the contents of the 16th CPC'S National Congress report regarding the PRC's foreign affairs with that of the 15th National Congress shows that there is more continuity than change.
中文: 摘要中共每隔六年举行一次的全国代表大会,一向是其揭橥重大政策的场合;中共国家主席在会中所提的政治报告即观察中共政情的重要参考来源。
英文: According to the concept of all-round well-off defined by the 16(superscript th) National Congress of CPC, considering the veracity and easiness to gather data, this paper designs an all-round well-off indicator system for rural China, and determines the
中文: 摘要根据党的十六大对全面小康的界定,结合数据的准确性与易获取性,本文设计了一个农村建设全面小康社会的指标体系,并采用变异系数法确定了各项指标的权重。
英文: After Comrade Deng Xiaoping made remarks on his tour of the South, the Fourteenth National Congress decided to establish a socialist market economy as the goal of reform, thus ushering in a new stage for reform, opening up and the modernization drive.
中文: 邓小平同志南方谈话以后,十四大确立社会主义市场经济体制的改革目标,改革开放和现代化建设进入新的阶段。
英文: Article 34 The Articles of Association of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants shall be formulated by the national congress of the members of the Institute and filed with the financial department of the State Council for the record.
中文: 省、自治区、直辖市注册会计师协会的章程由省、自治区、直辖市会员代表大会制定,并报省、自治区、直辖市人民政府财政部门备案。