英文: According to data from the US Treasury International Capital (TIC) reports, China's purchases of USD assets, including US Treasury and US Agency securities as well as US corporate bonds, totaled US$86.5 billion in 2005 and $84.4 billion in the first nine
中文: 根据美国财政国际资本(TIC)的数据,中国购买的美国资产(包括国债、政府机构债券、公司债券)总额2005年为865亿美元,2006年前9个月为844亿美元。
英文: Along with the growing market norms internationalization process continues to accelerate, domestic capital markets and international capital markets gradually converging, the securities industry will be increasingly fierce competition, the country Yuan Co
中文: 随着我国证券市场的日益规范,国际化进程的不断加快,国内资本市场与国际资本市场的逐渐接轨,证券业的竞争将愈加激烈,国元证券公司将严格遵照“法制、监管、自律、规范”八字方针,弘扬“规范、自律、求实、创新”的企业精神,着力培育核心竞争力和持续发展能力,开拓创新,追求卓越,积极参与国内外市场的竞争和合作,力争在五至十年内逐步把公司建设成为资产规模大、市场占有率高、金融品种丰富、市场竞争力强、风险防范机制好,居国内一流水平的综合类证券公司。
英文: American agricultural products and high-tech products, together with transnational capital and technology to flow ceaselessly rolling mainland China.
中文: 美国的农产品、高新技术产品,连同跨国公司的资本和技术,滚滚不息地涌进中国大陆。
英文: Article 4 The investment promotion ambassadors refer to personages from all walks of life both at home and abroad, who are active in the city's investment promotion and capital introduction, familiar with international capital operation and have some rela
中文: 第四条招商大使是指为推进全球招商引资规划的实施,由本市人民政府在全球范围内聘请的对本市招商引资工作有积极性、熟悉国际资本运作、与国外企业界有一定联系的境内外各界人士。
英文: But with the renminbi not freely convertible and China's stock markets isolated from international capital flows, valuations diverge widely.
中文: 但由于人民币无法自由兑换,加之国际资金无法参与中国内地股市,因此,两地股票价格差距颇大。