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national debt

【经】 国债

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英文: Article 12.For the purposes of item (2) of Article 4 of the Tax Law, the term interest on national debt obligationsshall mean interest income derived by individuals by virtue of holding bonds issued by the Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of C

中文: 第十二条税法第四条第二项所说的国债利息,是指个人持有中华人民共和国财政部发行的债券而取得的利息所得;所说的国家发行的金融债券利息,是指个人持有国务院批准发行的金融债券而取得的利息所得。        更详细...
英文: But the involvement of 4.5m members of the French public and 1m employees coupled with the government‘s need to reduce the national debt guaranteed a successful lift-off at a time of record energy prices.

中文: 然而,法国450万股民和100万国有企业雇员的参与,加上政府需要削减国债,以及能源价格达到创纪录水平,保证了国有企业上市取得良好开端。        更详细...
英文: If you paid off the national debt at one dollar a year, it would take 6.4 times as long as the half-life of the enzyme reaction.

中文: 如果你用每年一元的速度还国债,需耗费的时间相当于这个反应半生期的6.4倍。        更详细...
英文: More and more evidences have proved that the National Debt have played more and more important role in Chinese economy development.

中文: 实践证明,国债对中国经济的健康快速发展起到越来越大的作用。        更详细...
英文: One reason that the US might consider this is to get out from under a vast national debt that is impossible to pay the interest upon let alone settle.

中文: 一个原因是美国将把这看成是脱离庞大的国家债务的一个办法,这笔债务庞大到连利息都无法承担,更遑论还清。        更详细...

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