英文: Article 2. This Company is a joint stock company limited by shares (hereinafter referred to as Company) established according to [name of the applicable laws and regulations] and other relevant provisions.
中文: 第二条公司系依照〖法规名称〗和其他有关规定成立的股份有限公司(以下简称公司)。
英文: The growing Bantu reformed into the company limited by shares Guangzhou Guangdi Bantu Washing Machine Company Limited.
中文: 经过不断发展的广涤宾图洗涤机械厂在2001年通过股份制改造转制为股份有限公司——广州市涤宾图洗涤机械有限公司。
英文: Where a shareholder of a limited liability company or a promoter of a company limited by shares changes its name or title, the registration of change shall be applied for within 30 days from the change of name or title.
中文: 有限责任公司的股东或者股份有限公司的发起人改变姓名或者名称的,应当自改变姓名或者名称之日起30日内申请变更登记。