英文: In the passages that may express more pathos than analytical understanding, Simmel sees modern man as surrounded by a world of objects that constrain and dominate his needs and desires.
中文: 读到这里的时候我就想我每天在电脑前耗费的那些时光,看着不知所谓的网站,听着虽然不错也没什么意义的音乐,看看无聊的杂志。
英文: A friendly reviewer can do a world of good for your business.
中文: 一个友善的软件使用者会满世界帮你的软件说好话。
英文: A little discipline would do him a world of good.
中文: 稍微处分他一下会对他大有好处。
英文: A shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist: Michael Knight — a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law.
中文: 幽灵般地驰骋在危险的世界中,讨伐罪恶势力——这就是迈克奈特,一位年轻的孤胆英雄,一位在罪犯横行、无法无天的世界中,为无辜和无助的人们主持正义的勇士。
英文: A world of specialization and division of labor—the roots of economic growth—is going to nurture democratic polities and individual freedoms.
中文: 全世界的专业化和劳动分工是经济增长的根源,并将培育出民主的政党和个人的自由。