英文: - On the demonstrative use of nuclear weapons, 6 November 2001.
中文: ─谈核武之用于示威,2001年11月6日。
英文: 1942 The world′s first nuclear chain reaction took place at the University of Chicago, under physicists Enrico Fermi and Arthur Compton.
中文: 物理学家恩里科·费米和阿瑟·康普顿在芝加哥大学进行了世界第一次原子弹核连锁反应。
英文: “Everyone, except perhaps some real estate developers, and builders of nuclear reactors and high dams, agree that we should build according to strict codes assuring earthquake resistance.
中文: “所有的人,某些建筑开发商,以及核反应堆和高水坝的建造商除外,都同意我们应当依照保证防震的严格标准进行建造。”
英文: “If you set aside Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, the safety record of nuclear is really very good”.
中文: 如果你除开三迈岛和切尔诺贝利,核(能利用)的安全记录还是不错的。
英文: “In another type of prediction, an Immediate Alert, seismic waves above a certain threshold send an electronic alert, which, with a lead time of several seconds, can be used for such things as shutting down nuclear reactors, gas and electricity grids, and
中文: “在另一种类型的预测中,即即震报警,超过一定限度的震波将发出电子报警,比发震时间有几秒钟的提前量,可以用于关闭核电站反应堆、燃气和电力网等。