英文: Requires redirection The product is on the wrong track. Working longer or harder with this approach will not work. The students may need additional feedback from the teacher.
中文: 需要重新导向:整个讨论想法错误。如果继续下去,不管努力多久都不会有效果。学生可能需要来自于老师额外的的回馈。
英文: They like Rudy and Barack. They worry most about Iraq, and over half think the country's on the wrong track. They are liberal, but not always.
中文: 他们支持朱良尼和巴拉克。他们最担心伊拉克问题,同时有逾半年轻选民认为,美国走上错误的路。他们是自由派,但并非始终如一。