A cancer patient usually suffers exquisite pain.
中文: 癌症病人通常遭受 剧烈疼痛的折磨. 更详细进入...
After stomach cancer technique chemotherapy common illness complication and its preventing and controlling;
中文: 胃癌术后化疗常见并发症及其防治 更详细进入...
Progress in the Basic Research on Neurobiological Mechanisms of Cancer Pain
中文: 癌症痛的神经生物学机制研究进展 更详细进入...
Cancer will be conquerable in the foreseeable future.
中文: 在可以预见的将来癌症将可以征服。 更详细进入...
They are carrying out a research into the causes of cancer.
中文: 他们正在开展关于癌症病因的研究. 更详细进入...
DNA Repair Disorders,Genomic Instability and Cancer
中文: DNA修复障碍、基因组不稳定性与癌症 更详细进入...
Elizabeth Ward, a managing director in epidemiology and surveillance at the cancer society, said the biggest contributor to the decrease in deaths is the use of screening tests for colorectal cancer, which can detect the disease early when it is most trea
中文: 这种方法使得在癌症在最可治愈的早期就被发现,甚至还能找到癌症早期出现的息肉,并在其转化成恶性肿瘤前将其切除,从而达到完全预防癌症的目的。 更详细进入...
Dr. Lee also will give a speech on Understanding Cancer on March 23. Dr. Lee is a cancer treatment specialist at UCLA Medical Center.
中文: 李百勋医师并将于三月二十三日为大家演讲「认识癌症」。李医师为UCLA医学中心癌症治疗专科医师。 更详细进入...
Chemotherapy can damage bone growth during an important period of development. And radiation for some cancers can increase the risk of other cancers later.
中文: 在人生长发育时,化疗会抑制骨胳生长,同时针对某些癌症辐射也会增加今后患其他癌症的风险。 更详细进入...
For the first time, cancer has surpassed heart disease as the top killer of Americans younger than 85. The shift was described in the American Cancer Society's annual statistical report.
中文: 美国癌症协会发布年度报告显示,有史以来,癌症首次取代心脏病成为85岁以下美国人的头号杀手. 更详细进入...
Elizabeth Ward, a managing director in epidemiology and surveillance at the cancer society, said the biggest contributor to the decrease in deaths is the use of screening tests for colorectal cancer, which can detect the disease early when it is most trea
中文: 这种方法使得在癌症在最可治愈的早期就被发现,甚至还能找到癌症早期出现的息肉,并在其转化成恶性肿瘤前将其切除,从而达到完全预防癌症的目的。 更详细进入...
We reported a case of advanced infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the left breast (T4N2M0).
中文: 本文中之病患爲一末期左侧浸润性乳管癌患者,癌症分期爲T4N2M0。 更详细进入...
Patients with stromal inasion should undergo radical surgery.
中文: 癌症侵及间质的患者应行根治性手术。 更详细进入...
The cost-effectiveness of PSA is comparable to other cancer screening tests.
中文: 其经济效应与其它癌症筛选检查相同。 更详细进入...
The Study of Cancer Correlative Genes (AP-2β,TP53,NOD2)
中文: 几个与癌症相关基因(AP-2β,TP53,NOD2)的研究 更详细进入...
This discovery marks a quantum leap forward in the fight against cancer.
中文: 这一发现标志著治疗癌症的 一大突破. 更详细进入...
This discovery marks a quantum leap forward in the fight against cancer.
中文: 这一发现标志著治疗癌症的一大突破. 更详细进入...
Effects of Psychological Intervention on Immunological Function in Cancer Patients
中文: 心理干预对癌症患者免疫功能的影响 更详细进入...
The effects of telomere and telomerase on the life-span of cells and cancer
中文: 端粒、端粒酶与细胞寿命及癌症的关系 更详细进入...
Our message is that cancer is often a preventable disease and that we have immediate control over our risk,” says Marilyn Gentry,president of the American Institute for Cancer Research and its European affiliate, the World Cancer Research Fund.
中文: 美国癌症研究所和它的欧洲分支世界癌症基金会的主席玛里琳·詹特立说:“我们要传达的信息是:癌症通常是种可以预防的疾病,而且我们能很快地控制患这种病的危险。” 更详细进入...