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The cost-effectiveness of PSA is comparable to other cancer screening tests.

The cost principle is derived, in large part, from the principle of objectivity. 成本原则主要是在客观性原则的基础上发展而来的。
The cost to attend NYU online depends on how many classes a student takes. 上NYU在线课程花费取决与学生选多少课。
The cost was close to $1 million. 成本接近一百万美元。
The cost will approximate two million dollars. 该项费用差不多达两百万元。
The cost will not exceed $50. 费用不会超过50美元。
The cost-effectiveness of PSA is comparable to other cancer screening tests. 其经济效应与其它癌症筛选检查相同。
The cost-effectiveness of heat pumps for reducing CO2 emissions compared with other heating technologies is discussed. 还讨论了与其他供热技术相比的情况下,热泵系统在降低二氧化碳排放方面的能效比。
The costly post was postponed because of the frost. 那件昂贵的邮件由于霜的缘故而延搁。
The costly renovation of the old college building was criticized by most teachers. 花费很大的旧校舍的修复工程受到大多数老师的批评。
The costs exceed the benefits in this case because, with a larger discount rate, values received in the future are worth less. 净现值是负的,说明项目的成本超过了收益,这是因为,贴现率的增大使未来收益的实际价值变小。
The costs of doing that are not huge. 践行这一举措的代价并不大。

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