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    Engineers would be needed to rebuild his devastated country, he concluded.

    中文: 他悟出,人们需要工程师来重建百废待兴的祖国。 更详细进入...
    Construct and operate a grease trap waste treatment facility (GTWTF) within West Kowloon Transfer station.

    中文: 于西九龙废物转运站兴建及运作隔油池废物处理设施。 更详细进入...
    He that will thrive must rise at five.

    中文: 五点起床,百事兴旺。 更详细进入...
    Virus-elimination Techniques for Lilium lancifalium Thunb

    中文: 宜兴百合脱毒技术 更详细进入...
    Attendant: I'm so glad you like it.

    中文: 招待员:您满意我很高兴。 更详细进入...
    Schumpeter had a rise-and-fall mechanism in mind.

    中文: 熊彼特头脑中有一个兴盛衰废的机制。 更详细进入...
    He that will thrive,must rise at five.

    中文: 要想百业兴旺,就得五时起床。 更详细进入...
    The role of earthworm in the ecological restoration of mining wasteland of Dexing Copper Mine in China

    中文: 蚯蚓在德兴铜矿废弃地生态恢复中的作用 更详细进入...
    Her enthusiastic treat made us very happy.

    中文: 她的热情款待使我们感到非常高兴。 更详细进入...
    Rome welcomes millions of visitors each year.

    中文: 罗马每年要接待数以百万计的游客. 更详细进入...
    The college did us proud at the centenary dinner.

    中文: 院方在一百周年校庆设宴款待我们。 更详细进入...
    All attempts to revive the fishing industry were foredoomed to failure.

    中文: 千方百计振兴渔业注定徒劳无功. 更详细进入...
    A Study on the Cutting Propagation of Thymus dahuricus Serg.Stem

    中文: 兴安百里香的扦插繁育试验研究 更详细进入...
    An old business has its ups and downs. An old man is tested by misfortune.

    中文: 百年老店,必经多少兴衰沧桑;百岁老翁,必经多少坎坷考验。 更详细进入...
    The hazardous waste should not be dumped or stored, but adequately treated and disposed.

    中文: 不应倾倒或储存有害废弃物,而应当妥善对待和处理。 更详细进入...
    The main reason of the cognition's variety is the Abolishing-Unfair-Treaties Movement which rised in 1924.

    中文: 陈独秀认识转变的主要原因是1924年兴起的废约运动。 更详细进入...
    Children's Day is a joyful day full of laughter, excitement and expectation.

    中文: 儿童节是个充满欢笑,兴奋和期待的一天。 更详细进入...
    I''m quite active and energetic. I approach things enthusiastically and I don''t like leaving things half done.

    中文: 我积极而充满活力。我热诚对待每件事,不喜欢半途而废。 更详细进入...
    The salary I should require would be HK$6,500 per month as a start.

    中文: 待遇方面,本人希望月薪六千五百元起薪。 更详细进入...
    We're pleased to have concluded with you the ~ on 500 tons of sesame seeds.

    中文: 我们很高兴与你们成交了五百吨芝麻。 更详细进入...

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