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The college did us proud at the centenary dinner.

The college and university can teach whatsoever to students, this is not to say that they cannot supply students with building blocks for the future. (例子)大学并不能教授学生一切,但这并不是说大学不能教给学生构筑未来的基石。
The college charged high fees. 大学收取的学费很高。
The college coed was discovered at the bottom of a 200-foot cliff after ten days of searching. 这名女大学生在10天的搜救后被发现死于200英尺深的悬崖底。
The college coed was discovered at the bottom of the 200-foot cliff after ten days of searching. 在搜寻十天后,这位女大学生被发现置身于200英尺的悬崖之下。
The college debating society was a natural springboard for her career in politics. 大学里的辩论社自然成了她从政的跳板。
The college did us proud at the centenary dinner. 院方在一百周年校庆设宴款待我们。
The college graduate is presented with a sheepskin to cover his intellectual nakedness. 大学毕业生被授予一张羊皮文凭来遮掩其皮毛知识。
The college graduated 50 students from the science department last year. 这所学院去年有50名理科毕业生.
The college grew into what is now Michigan State University in East Lansing. 这所学校发展成为如今位于东兰辛的密歇根州大学。
The college grew into what is now MichiganStateUniversity in East Lansing. 这所大学发展成为现在位于东兰辛的密歇根大学。
The college has excellent sporting facilities. 这所学院有极好的体育设备。

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