And if Scola fits next to Yao Ming?
中文: 而且,如果斯科拉和姚明珠联璧合呢? 更详细进入...
Enchanting gardens and the buildings are built in hormony, each representing a beautiful ornament to the other.
中文: 公园景色与庭院建筑珠联璧合,相映成趣。 更详细进入...
It doesn't matter if the guy is perfect or the girl is perfect,as long as they are perfect for each other.
中文: 那个小伙子是否完美,或者那个姑娘是否完美都不重要,只要他们能珠联璧合。 更详细进入...
When ovule orientation is orthotropous the chalaza corresponds to the point where the funicle is attached but in anatropous and campylotropous ovules the chalaza is some distance from the funicle.
中文: 当胚珠的方向是直生胚珠时,合点和珠柄连成一条直线,当胚珠是倒生胚珠或弯生胚珠时,合点和珠柄之间有一定的距离。 更详细进入...
[bbe] And he took it, with its king and all its towns: and he put them to the sword, giving every person in it to the curse; all were put to death: as he had done to Hebron, so he did to Debir and its king.
中文: 就夺了底璧、和属底璧的城邑、又擒获底璧的王、用刀将这些城中的人口尽行杀灭、没有留下一个.他待底璧和底璧王像从前待希伯仑、和立拿与立拿王一样。 更详细进入...
Chalaza (pl.chalaxae or chalazas) The region of an angiosperm ovule where the nucellus and integuments merge.
中文: 合点:被子植物胚珠上的一个区域,在合点处珠心和珠被愈合。 更详细进入...
And he went up thence to the inhabitants of Debir: and the name of Debir before was Kirjathsepher.
中文: 15又从那里上去,攻击底璧的居民,这底璧从前名叫基列西弗。 更详细进入...
While the choices are increasingly global, consumer goods are cheaper than in most big cities.
中文: 上海吃喝玩乐的选择独具中西交汇,新旧合璧的特色。 更详细进入...
[NIV] The topaz of Cush cannot compare with it; it cannot be bought with pure gold.
中文: 19[和合]古实的15红璧玺,不足与比较;精金,也不足与较量。 更详细进入...
His answer was a torrent of abuses.
中文: 他的回答是连珠炮式的漫骂。 更详细进入...
He let out a volley of oaths.
中文: 他像发连珠炮似地破口大骂。 更详细进入...
He was bombarded with questions.
中文: 大家连珠炮以的向他提出问题。 更详细进入...
She attacked him with a torrent of abuse.
中文: 她用连珠炮似的谩骂来攻击他。 更详细进入...
V is virtue, virtue is a jewel of great price.
中文: 是美德,美德是价值连城的珠玉。 更详细进入...
Funicle (funiculus) The stalk attaching the ovule (later the seed) to the placenta in angiosperm ovaries. Nutrients pass through the funicle to the ovule and seed.
中文: 珠柄:被子植物子房中连接胚珠(之后的种子)和胎座的柄。营养物质通过珠柄传递到胚珠和种子。 更详细进入...
Witnessing Re Leone and Zorro hand in hand, in perfect complices commiting the most perfect hold up in terra juventina and running towards # 16! Unforgettable!!!
中文: “狮子王”维阿与“佐罗”博班珠联璧合,相得益彰,他们帮助球队客场完胜尤文图斯,为夺取第十六个联赛冠军奠定了基础!令人难以忘怀!!! 更详细进入...
“The North Bright Pearl” Dalian is located in the east of China.
中文: 大连作为北方明珠,屹立在祖的东方。 更详细进入...
Biochemical Genetic Variation in the Pearl Oysters, Pinctada fucata and P. chemnitzi
中文: 合浦珠母贝和长耳珠母贝的生化遗传变异 更详细进入...
Constructed in 1934, the Beis' Residence reflects the trends of that time in China: an unhesitating mixture of western modernity and Chinese tradition.
中文: 贝宅建于1934年,它的设计风格很能体现当时国内的建筑设计流行理念:中西合璧。 更详细进入...
A ballpoint pen is adequate for most ordinary purposes.
中文: 原珠笔适合最普通的用途。 更详细进入...