Order type: At order entry, if it can execute in total, then it executes. Otherwise it stays in the order book until it can execute in total.
中文: 下单类型:在已经下单时,如果它能完全执行,那么就被执行。否则它会寄存在买卖盘记录一直到它能够完全执行。 更详细进入...
China is called “table tennis kingdom”. Apparently, Ping Pang is the most popular sports.
中文: 中国被称为“兵乓王国”。很显然,乒乓球是最受欢迎的运动。 更详细进入...
“table tennis kingdom”. Apparently, Ping Pang is the most popular sports.
中文: 中国被称为“兵乓王国”。很显然,乒乓球是最受欢迎的运动。 更详细进入...
Lebanon's interior minister says 350 Lebanese soldiers and police officers are being held captive.
中文: 黎巴嫩内务部长称,已有350名黎巴嫩士兵和警察被囚禁。 更详细进入...
Any soldier failing to report would be considered absent without leave and punished accordingly.
中文: 没有报到的士兵将被认为是擅离职守,并因此要受处分。 更详细进入...
Some 7 [coalition] soldiers were killed, 4 are missing and up to 20 were wounded.
中文: 大约7名联军士兵被击毙,4人失踪,病友多达20人负伤。 更详细进入...
A physical hardware jumper is conflicting with another card.
中文: 一个实际的硬件跳线器被以另外的一个卡争执。 更详细进入...
The six men were killed when the armoured vehicle in which they were traveling hit a mine about 1.30 p.m. Kandahar time on Easter Sunday.
中文: 复活节星期天坎大哈时间下午1.30左右六名加拿大士兵牺牲,他们的装甲车碰到地雷。 更详细进入...
It is organized chiefly in fighting aviation arm, bomber aviation arm, airborne troops and airfields.
中文: 主要由歼击航空兵、轰炸航空兵、空降兵和机场组成。 更详细进入...
True story: While on active duty as a National Guardsman delivering U.S. mail during a postal strike, he secretly gathered information for a Times story.
中文: 真人真事:在一次邮政大罢工中,路易斯作为一名国民警卫队士兵执行任务,负责投递邮件。 更详细进入...
For the logout registration, the enterprise should return the original and copy. The Business License would be invalid automatically when being withdrawn by the register department.
中文: 7企业注销登记时,应交回营业执照正、副本。营业执照被登记机关吊销后即自行失效。 更详细进入...
Ensure full compliance of the Company's Policy throughout the operation and proper internal control.
中文: 确保公司的规章制度被贯彻执行,以及内部控制。 更详细进入...
Goal 2 Evaluations/tests are executed in a timely manner to verify that the success criteria has been met.
中文: 及时执行评价/测试,以验证是否被满足成功准则。 更详细进入...
The new procedures were supposed to involve the military police in the interrogation process as conducted by military intelligence officers -- that is, the police were supposed to take on roles other than policing.
中文: 新程序要求,在军事情报人员进行调查期间应有宪兵参加,也就是说,宪兵被要求履行警察之外的职责。 更详细进入...
You may call a function from anywhere within the page (or even from other pages if the function is embedded in an external .js file).
中文: 函数内的一些代码只有在某个事件触发或被调用的时候才会被执行。 更详细进入...
Our scouts found signs of a hastily broken camp there.
中文: 我们的巡逻兵在那里发现一个在匆忙中被毁坏的宿营地。 更详细进入...
New recruits are trained at the boot camp.
中文: 新兵在新兵训练营接受训练。 更详细进入...
Week of Footman: Double growth for Footmen and Swordsmen.
中文: 步兵周:步兵与剑士产量加倍。 更详细进入...
Week of Footman: Double growth for Footme and wordsmen.
中文: 步兵周:步兵与剑士产量加倍。 更详细进入...
Q:When a thread is created and started, what is its initial state?
中文: 当一个线程被创建和开始执行,其初始状态是什么? 更详细进入...