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“table tennis kingdom”. Apparently, Ping Pang is the most popular sports.

“sometimes he has the shaggy hair and the nerdy glasses and sometime totally anti-social and have no fashion sense. 我也喜欢他戴眼镜的样子,很适当地将他原本就沉稳的气质表现出来。干净清爽的他看起来最棒,不需盲目追求时尚。
“sorrow for his women, for his kinfolk, for his children, who needed his protection, and whom he could not protect” (James Baldwin). “为他的女人、亲戚、孩子这些需要他的保护而他又保护不了的人而感到悲伤”(詹姆士·鲍德金)。
“spring rain moistens everything silently”. “春雨润物细无声”。
“sure,it's really so ugly. 真的,是太丑了。”
“t.A.T.u. is about saying what you feel, not what others expect. Be in love. Be yourself. We are. 所代表的是展现真正的自己,而非别人期望的自己。去爱。做自己。这就是我们。”
“table tennis kingdom”. Apparently, Ping Pang is the most popular sports. 中国被称为“兵乓王国”。很显然,乒乓球是最受欢迎的运动。
“thanks, my child. thanks, daisy. thanks, god of death. “谢谢,我的孩子。谢谢,黛丝。谢谢,死神。”
“that long [Canadian] frontier from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans, guarded only by neighborly respect and honorable obligations” (Winston S. Churchill). “那条自大西洋至太平洋的长边界线,仅出于邻国的尊敬和高尚义务守护着”(温斯顿·S·丘吉尔)。
“that they get bored with childhood , they rush to grow up and then long to be children again . 他们厌烦少年时代,期望很快的长大,然后渴望回到少年.
“that you did not mind has little on yours body dirty? The “big grizzly bears asked. 那你是不是不介意在你的身上有一点点脏呢?大灰熊问.
“the actual aid, assistance and internal operation of the Spirit of God is necessary unto the producing of every holy act of our mind, wills and affection, in every duty whatsoever. 在行出我们的思想、意愿及喜好中每个圣洁的行动乃至生活中每个行动时,圣灵的帮助以及内在的作工是很有必要的。

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