Some 60 percent of Russians would opt for a small but assured income, with a mere 6 percent prepared to accept the risks attendant on private enterprise (1/14).
60%的人表示会选择收入虽然不多但稳定的职业,仅6%的人准备接受私营企业有风险的工作。 |
Some 60 pupils of the Jinfan Wind Band from Wuyi Primary School visited the camp of the guard of honor on Aug. 1.
当日,北京市海淀区五一小学金帆管乐团的近60名小学生来到中国人民解放军陆海空三军仪仗队驻地,参观军营,并为官兵们演出。 |
Some 60%of monocotyledons and 40%of dicotyledons are polyploid, as are 90% of ferns, many bryophytes, and some algae.
60%的单子叶植物和40%的双子叶植物、90%的蕨类植物、多数苔藓植物以及某些藻类,都是多倍体。 |
Some 68 journalists were killed covering World War II — five of them from the AP.
译文:68位新闻工作者在二战中被杀害——他们中的五名来自于美联社。 |
Some 69 famous botanical gardens were examined to study the characteristics and generality of theme gardens.
以世界上69个知名植物园作为研究对象,对其在专类园设置方面进行深入分析,探讨它们的共性和特点。 |
Some 7 [coalition] soldiers were killed, 4 are missing and up to 20 were wounded.
大约7名联军士兵被击毙,4人失踪,病友多达20人负伤。 |
Some 70 percent of the earth's surface is water, but most of that is undrinkable seawater.
的地球表面是水,但是它大部分是不能喝的海水。 |
Some 700 monuments, including palaces, mosques, mausoleums, madrasas and fountains, testify to this remarkable past.
宫殿、清真寺、陵墓、伊斯兰学校和喷泉等700多处标志性建筑展示着它昔日的辉煌。 |
Some 71% of British respondents said then that they had enjoyed a flutter in the previous year, down from 73% five years earlier.
政府的2004年研究报告显示博彩行业的流行程度不但下降,而且低于其他一些国家的水平。 |
Some 73,000 Malaysians have been infected with HIV, of which 75 percent are intravenous drug users and 7 percent are women, he said.
按照他的说法,目前约有7.3万名马来西亚人已经感染上了HIV,其中75%是通过静脉注射毒品的人,而女性所占比例则为7%。 |
Some 8,000 Palestinians held in crowded Israeli jails plan to launch a mass hunger strike tomorrow to demand improved conditions , Palestinian officials said.
据巴官员透露,以色列监狱内约8000名巴勒斯坦囚犯计划15日发动一场集体绝食示威活动,要求改善牢狱生活条件。 |