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New recruits are trained at the boot camp.

New records and new inventions come up frequently. 新记录和新发明不断出现.
New records and new inventions occured constantly. 新记录和新发明不断出现.
New records and new invents appear constantly . 新记录和新发明不断出现.
New records were set on Thursday for works by Gauguin, Modigliani and Mondrian at Sotheby's auction of Impressionist and modern art which achieved the biggest total since 1990. 11月4日在纽约苏富比的一次拍卖会上,高更、莫迪里亚尼和蒙德里安三位大师的印象派作品和现代艺术创下此类拍卖的新纪录,总拍卖额超过1.94亿美元。
New recovery &recycling targets for WEEE, including reuse of whole appliances. 设定WEEE回收再用和再循环目标,包括再用。
New recruits are trained at the boot camp. 新兵在新兵训练营接受训练。
New recruits have three hours of drill a day. 新兵一天有三小时的操练.
New recruits to our music club are always welcome. 我们的音乐俱乐部随时欢迎新会员参加。
New recruits will report to the sergeant at 10 a.m. 新兵要在早上十点到中士那报到。
New regional magazines in Israel, Poland, and the Czech Republic and Slovakia have joined the Rotary world magazine press, a group of 29 magazines in 21 languages that bring news of Rotary to almost every part of the globe. 以色列、波兰、捷克共和国与斯洛伐克的地域杂志已经纳入「扶轮世界杂志新闻网」─包括21种语言的29种杂志,几乎可将扶轮消息散播至地球每个角落。
New regulation: From now on, the minimum time for lavatory's been limited to 30 seconds. 公司新规定,从现在起每次上厕所不得超过三十秒!

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