He peddled small household articles around the town.
中文: 他在城里挨家挨户兜售日用百货. 更详细进入...
I was dazed and stiff, and unable to determine how my normal shoulder ache felt -- it was replaced by a whole-back soreness.
中文: 我这时被搞得昏头转向,已记不清肩膀原来是怎么个疼法了──现在是整个背都酸痛。 更详细进入...
And they made two other golden rings, and put them on the two sides of the ephod underneath, toward the forepart of it, over against the other coupling thereof, above the curious girdle of the ephod.
中文: 20又作两个金环,安在以弗得前面两条肩带的下边,挨近相接之处,在以弗得巧工织的带子以上。 更详细进入...
And they made two rings of gold, and put them on the two ends of the breastplate, upon the border of it, which was on the side of the ephod inward.
中文: 20又作两个金环,安在以弗得前面两条肩带的下边,挨近相接之处,在以弗得巧工织的带子以上。 更详细进入...
Fong pick me up from work. I get under her umbrella and put my arm around her. When I see people's reactions to this, I put my arm back down.
中文: 方来接我下班,雨伞下我搂着她的肩膀。看着路边行人望过来的目光,我赶紧松开了手。 更详细进入...
We often go carolling (ie go from house to house, singing carols) at Christmas.
中文: 我们在圣诞节常去唱颂歌(挨门挨户唱颂歌). 更详细进入...
1 Stand facing the direction of the sun with both feet touching. Bring the hands together, palm-to-palm, at the heart.
中文: 第一式吐气,双脚并拢直立,大拇指着力,合掌于胸前。腹部收缩、提肛,臀部加紧,肩膀放松,头要正,凝神气定,肘与肩平,双目专注指尖。 更详细进入...
It was a huge illustrated book, on its spine a colossal Atlas holding the vault of the universe on his shoulders.
中文: 那是一本巨大的带插图的字典,在它的书脊上画着一个将宇宙抗在肩膀上的巨人。 更详细进入...
How you expected what clapped your shoulder was his familiar warm hands but not the strange chilly fall leaves.
中文: 你多么期盼轻轻拍着你肩膀的是他那熟悉的温暖的手,而不是那陌生的冷冷的秋叶。 更详细进入...
When you try this, strive to finish with your shoulder under the chin to guarantee that you'll hit through and up at the same time.
中文: 当你尝试这样,努力完成用下巴下面的肩膀来保证你同时将打击穿透而且同时向上。 更详细进入...
Then they made two more gold rings and attached them to the bottom of the shoulder pieces on the front of the ephod, close to the seam just above the waistband of the ephod.
中文: 20又作两个金环,安在以弗得前面两条肩带的下边,挨近相接之处,在以弗得巧工织的带子以上。 更详细进入...
He used to go door-to-door and sell soda pop.
中文: 那时他常常挨家挨户地推销苏打汽水。 更详细进入...
Make two more gold rings and attach them to the bottom of the shoulder pieces on the front of the ephod, close to the seam just above the waistband of the ephod.
中文: 27又要作两个金环,安在以弗得前面两条肩带的下边,挨近相接之处,在以弗得巧工织的带子以上。 更详细进入...
How many times do we miss blessings because they are not packaged as we expected?
中文: 我们多少次地与祝福擦肩而过,仅仅因为他们没有按我们想象中的样子包装好? 更详细进入...
Two friends team up as door-to-door salesman of bulk quantities of frozen meat.
中文: 两位朋友组成大宗冻肉的挨家挨户的推销员。 更详细进入...
The problem is more serious than normal because his shoulder is unstable due to previous dislocations,added Borras.
中文: 博拉斯还说:“问题要比正常情况严重的多,因为他的肩膀之前曾脱臼过,所以仍不稳定。” 更详细进入...
Fong pick me up from work. I get under her umbrella ant put my arm around her. When I see people's reactions to this, I put my arm back down.
中文: 方来接我下班,雨伞下我搂着她的肩膀。看着路边行人望过来的目光,我赶紧松开了手。 更详细进入...
Isaac Newton, a British scientist, who lived over three hundred years ago, said that he saw further than others because he stood on the shoulders of giants.
中文: 生活在300多年前的英国科学家牛顿说,他看得比别人远,是因为他站在巨人的肩膀上。 更详细进入...
When your hitting arm and shoulder are tight the racquet tends to stay up and not drop down before swinging forward.
中文: 当你打击的手臂和肩膀紧紧的,网拍倾向停留在上而不是在向前挥拍之前降低下来。 更详细进入...
This coiling of the upper body will allow you to uncoil with the knees, hips, trunk, shoulders, and hitting arm into the shot.
中文: 这身体上半部的盘绕,将让你用膝部、臀部、躯干,肩膀,和打击的手臂来解盘绕进入打击内。 更详细进入...