Fong pick me up from work. I get under her umbrella ant put my arm around her. When I see people's reactions to this, I put my arm back down. |
中文意思: 方来接我下班,雨伞下我搂着她的肩膀。看着路边行人望过来的目光,我赶紧松开了手。 |
Fond of books; studious.
喜书的喜欢读书的;好学习的 |
Fond of novelty.
新奇的喜欢革新的 |
Fond told me Gu-ang was a post-graduate student and a nice boy. When Fong talked about him, she avoided eye contact with me.
广是她们学校别的系的研究生,人很好。方说这话看我的时候,眼神有点游离。 |
Fones-Wolfe, Elizabeth. Selling Free Enterprise: The Business Assault on Labor Liberalism, 1945-1960. 1994.
《推销自由企业:1945-1960年代企业攻击劳工自由主义》1994. |
Fong pick me up from work. I get under her umbrella and put my arm around her. When I see people's reactions to this, I put my arm back down.
方来接我下班,雨伞下我搂着她的肩膀。看着路边行人望过来的目光,我赶紧松开了手。 |
Fong pick me up from work. I get under her umbrella ant put my arm around her. When I see people's reactions to this, I put my arm back down.
方来接我下班,雨伞下我搂着她的肩膀。看着路边行人望过来的目光,我赶紧松开了手。 |
Fong say my English really improved because I am very clever. I laugh and playfully tap her.
我的英语进步很快,方说是因为我聪明。我打她一下说,那当然了。 |
Fong was a lively and vivacious gird, and was positive towards life and work.
方是一个很健谈很有朝气的女孩,对待工作和生活,她无比热情和投入。 |
Fong, C. M., S.Wally and K.G.Smith, (1996). Top management team characteristics and entry timing:A multi-industry study, Paper presented at Academy of Management Annual meeting, Cicinnati, OH.
方至民,曾志弘,锺宪瑞(2000).高阶经营团队特质与财务能力对企业研发支出影响之究-以台湾上市电子产业公司为例,发表于1999科技管理研讨会,高雄,国立中山大学。 |
Font Magnifier is a very easy and intuitive application. Just install it run the application, choose which fonts you would like to change and restart your mobile phone.
字体放大,是一个非常方便和直观的应用.刚刚安装运行的应用,选择何种字体,你想改变,并重新启动手机. |
Font colors - the best colors for reading online are black text on a white or off-white background.
字体颜色——在线阅读的最好颜色组合是黑色文本,白色背景。 |