Results returned to the user.
中文: 结果返回给用户。 更详细进入...
We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the Contractor before presenting us with the demand.
中文: 本行放弃你方应先向承包人要求赔偿上述金额然后再向本行提出要求的权力。 更详细进入...
Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit.
中文: 8所以那弃绝的,不是弃绝人,乃是弃绝那赐圣灵给你们的神。 更详细进入...
Excised or rejected material, such as film that has been cut in editing.
中文: 废弃物,下脚料用过的或丢弃的材料,如剪辑时弃置的废胶片 更详细进入...
Please never abandon friends , and also me included.
中文: 请永远不要放弃朋友,不要放弃我。 更详细进入...
This function returns TRUE if the value is found in the array, or FALSE otherwise.
中文: 如果这个值存在于数组中,该函数将返回True,否则将返回False。 更详细进入...
Wherever the sensuous affirmation is the direct annulment of the object in its independent form (as in eating, drinking, working up of the object, etc.), this is the affirmation of the object.
中文: 如果感性的肯定是对采取独立形态的对象的直接扬弃(如吃、喝、对象的加工、等等),那末这也就是对象的肯定. 更详细进入...
KR: It was okay. Normal. Why you ask? It is nothing to do with this weekend.
中文: 那很棒。正常。你为什么要问这个?这和本周末的比赛无关。(黑线 更详细进入...
There will be a 3- hour final exam review on the weekend before the exam.
中文: 我们将会在期末考前的周末,举行一个三个小时的期末考复习。 更详细进入...
The total of all costs in beginning inventories and all costs charged to work in process must be accounted for as cost of ending work-in-process plus cost of goods transferred out.
中文: 期初在制品盘存中的全部成本及本期计入在制品的全部成本的总额必须等于期末在制品的成本加上转出产品的成本。 更详细进入...
Euthanasia is not yet legal in Japan, but given the excruciation suffering of patients with terminal cancer is terrible.
中文: 安乐死在日本尚未合法,忍受癌症末期这种酷刑是很可怕的。 更详细进入...
The weather predictions for Asia in 2050 read like a script from a doomsday movie.
中文: 对2050年亚洲气候的预测就像一部关于世界末日的电影剧本。 更详细进入...
Can we get the material as a rebate in rebate settlement instead of getting cash in rebate?
中文: 我们是否可以用物料而不是现金作为返利进行返利结算? 更详细进入...
If the function succeeds, the return value is the handle to the hook procedure. If the function fails, the return value is NULL.
中文: 如果方法执行成功,返回钩子子程的句柄。如果失败,返回空。 更详细进入...
This function returns the number of affected rows on success, or -1 if the last operation failed.
中文: 如果该函数成功执行,将返回记录行数;如果失败,将返回“-1”。 更详细进入...
Resolve to make Saturdays and Sundays strictly for family time.
中文: 周末留给人家,坚决把周末留给家人。 更详细进入...
Affirmative, request return to Guangzhou.
中文: 对的,请求返航广州。 更详细进入...
It's time we turned and went back home.
中文: 我们该返回家去了. 更详细进入...
Returns a set of service records.
中文: 返回一组服务记录。 更详细进入...
Return a list of all parents.
中文: 返回父节点的列表。 更详细进入...