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Excised or rejected material, such as film that has been cut in editing.

Exchanges between classes are even more complex. 班与班间的交互学习活动甚至更复杂。
Exchanging and writing on the DEATH NOTE between the gods of death is no problem. 死神之间可以交换死亡笔记,也可以写对方的死亡笔记。
Exchanging gifts at Christmas is a custom entrenched by long tradition. 在圣诞节交换礼物是长久传统所确立的风俗。
Exchanging their vows of love, the 2 completed their ring exchange and slowly looked out over the faces of those attending. 交换了他们爱的誓约之后,两人完成了交换戒指的礼节,缓缓地向外看去,看着前来参与婚礼的宾客们。
Excipients refer to the vehicles and additives intended for manufacturing drug dosage forms and prescription dispensing. 辅料,是指生产药品和调配处方时所用的赋形剂和附加剂。
Excised or rejected material, such as film that has been cut in editing. 废弃物,下脚料用过的或丢弃的材料,如剪辑时弃置的废胶片
Excision of brow fat pad is an extremely valuable adjunct to blepharoplasty surgery in some patient with heaviness and bulkiness in the lateral upper orbital region. 尤其是合并有上眼眶部外侧肥厚沈重的症状,更可经由这个附加的步骤来去除多馀的脂肪层而达到更理想的效果。
Excision surgery was performed and the histopathology showed a cutaneous fibrous mass with sparse cellularity, nuclear atypia but without mitotic figures. 经手术切除后,在病理组织检验下可见到一纤维肿瘤,其中散在著为数不多的细胞;这些细胞具有非典型细胞核,但无细胞分裂现象。
Excisional biopsy of the lesion was performed under the impressioin of basal cell carcinoma. 由于临床上怀疑是基底细胞癌,因此我们为病人进行了肿瘤的全部切除。
Excisional biopsy of the tumor revealed mucinous carcinoma. 后续之治疗包括病灶部位广泛性切除及重建手术。
Excisional biopsy was performed and histopathologic examination reported an inverted papilloma. 在术中发现在泪囊及泪管中有一软组织肿瘤。

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