It goes without saying that the second words table is easier to remember than the first one.
中文: 不用说,第二个词表比第一个词表更容易记忆. 更详细进入...
It is not use to say that the first world is easlier remember than the seconed one.
中文: 不用说,第二个词表比第一个词表更容易记忆. 更详细进入...
It is understood that the second glossary is more easily remembered than the first one.
中文: 不用说,第二个词表比第一个词表更容易记忆. 更详细进入...
A compound adjective is formed when two or more adjectives work together to modify the same noun. These terms should be hyphenated to avoid confusion or ambiguity.
中文: 复合形容词由两个或两个以上的形容词组成用以修饰一个名词。组成复合形容词的每个形容词之间要用连字符连接以避免混淆和词不达意。 更详细进入...
Thatis a demonstrative pronoun.
中文: that是一个指示代词。 更详细进入...
A verb can be used as subject on condition that the predicate of the sentence must be an adjective or a verb expressing the ideas of stop, start or judge.
中文: 动词作主语时要有一定的条件:谓语需由形容词或表示停止、开始、判断一类的动词充当。 更详细进入...
Somedayand one of these daysare losing their grip on my vocabulary.
中文: “有朝一日”和“终有一天”这样的词正从我的常用词汇中淡出。 更详细进入...
He was once tested to hit the willow leaves in a hundred paces away, and hit the target one hundred times without a single miss.
中文: 2养由基在离开柳树一百步的地方射柳叶,射一百次,一百次射中。 更详细进入...
Use lowercase for the first word and capitalize only the first letter of each subsequent word that appears in a variable name.
中文: 变量名称中第一个单词小写,后续的每一个单词仅第一个字母大写。 更详细进入...
[NIV] up to a hundred talents of silver, a hundred cors of wheat, a hundred baths of wine, a hundred baths of olive oil, and salt without limit.
中文: 22[和合]就是银子直到一百他连得,麦子一百柯珥,酒一百罢特,油一百罢特,盐不计其数,也要给他。 更详细进入...
(In Chinese, different measure words are used before different nouns. Learn these measure words by heart. They cannot be used confusedly. e.g.
中文: 汉语中不同的名词前面需要有不同的量词。这些量词一定要记住,不可用混。 更详细进入...
A figure of speech in which one word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely associated, as in the use of Washington for the United States government or of the sword for military power.
中文: 换喻,转喻一种一个词或词组被另一个与之有紧密联系的词或词组替换的修辞方法,如用华盛顿代替美政府或用剑代替军事力量 更详细进入...
中文: 不同生境内濒危植物长喙毛茛泽泻种群数量动态比较 更详细进入...
Behavior characteristics and habitat adaptabilities of the endangered butterfly Teinopalpus aureus in Mount Dayao
中文: 濒危物种金斑喙凤蝶的行为特征及其对生境的适应性 更详细进入...
To divide a noun is to add a morpheme before a noun-verb conversion, thus forms a compound noun.
中文: 名词分化的具体做法是在名动转类词的前面添加一个实语素,构成一个单纯的复合名词。 更详细进入...
Discussion on the Use of Ecological Concept
中文: 论“生态”一词的使用 更详细进入...
Use lowercase for the first word and capitalize only the first letter of each subsequent word that appears in a method name.
中文: 方法名称中第一个单词小写,后续的每一个单词仅第一个字母大写。 更详细进入...
Words consisted in the same semantic field are not necessarily defined as one same exact meaning in the different languages.
中文: 构成同一语义场中的各个词项的词义值在不同语言中并非一一对应。 更详细进入...
With the medicine under her arm, Miss Zhao hurried off to look after the man.
中文: 名词+介词短语:这一结构可用作状语,表示伴随状况。 更详细进入...
The word tensegrity is a contraction of tensile and integrity, firstly conceived by Fuller.
中文: Tensegrity一词是tensile和integrity两词的缩写,首先由美国人Fuller提出。 更详细进入...