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With the medicine under her arm, Miss Zhao hurried off to look after the man.

With the matriculation of the first few classes of Rotary World Fellows, this program is no longer a dream but is a program producing tangible results. 以最初几届的世界奖学生的入学,大家一致认为该计划不再只是梦想而是一种会产生实际成果的计划。
With the matrix tax rebate voucher lost or written content mistaken, which is permitted to be corrected or changed, enterprises manufacturing for export shall apply to the tax rebate office for a three-month postponement application of export tax rebate w 出口企业出口货物纸质退税凭证丢失或内容填写有误,按有关规定可以补办或更改的,出口企业可在规定的申报期限内(在货物报关出口之日起90天内)向退税部门提出延期办理出口货物退(免)税申报的申请,经批准后,可延期3个月申报。
With the maturity of kilo mega Ethernet technology in highway region and with consideration of the features of domestic highway communication system, Alcatel's highway systems adopt Ethernet-based communication system platform, upon which voice communicat 在高速公路领域,随着千兆以太网技术的成熟,基于国内高速公路通信系统的特点,阿尔卡特的高速公路系统采用基于以太网的传输系统平台,并且将语音通信、图像监控、收费信息传输等都构筑在这一平台之上,做到了真正的语音、图像、数据的“三网合一”。
With the measure of “prevention and discouragement”, the goal is to combine the promotion of healthy and civilized internet activities allow with the management and standardization of the dissemination of unhealthy contents; the systematic projects seeks 该工程是以“倡导网络文明,构建和谐环境”为出发点,采用“疏堵结合、破立并举”的方式,把引导推动健康文明网络行为与治理规范不良信息传播举措结合起来,动员社会各界共同参与有害信息治理,督促广大互联网服务提供商文明办网,推动广大网民特别是青少年文明上网,积极构建和谐网络环境的一项系统工程,是信息产业部在电信监管工作中切实贯彻落实“执政为民”思想的具体体现。
With the medicine box under her arm , Miss Gao hurried off to look after the man . 高小姐腋下夹起医药箱匆忙赶去照顾那个男人。
With the medicine under her arm, Miss Zhao hurried off to look after the man. 名词+介词短语:这一结构可用作状语,表示伴随状况。
With the memory card removed from the camera, check your new firmware version by turning the camera back on while holding down the MENU button. 拿出你刚才的存储卡,通过开机的时候按住“MENU”键来检查相机的固件版本。
With the merger of the natural environment and creation of ecological green island, this design hopes to create a distinctive ecological community that is intimate with the nature, and find the inherent essence of traditional life in JiangNan watery regio 摘要通过对自然环境的整合和生态绿岛的建构,期望创造出一个亲近自然、独具特色的生态社区,找回一些传统“江南水乡生活”的内在本质:那种悠然自得、淡定从容、生态的生活方式。
With the meteorological and hydrographic data in Songhuajiang and Nenjiang valley from 1951 to 1995,using correlation analysis and empirical orthogonal analysis,the rule of the flood and relation between flood and precipitation distribution in this region 利用松花江,嫩江流域1951~1995年期间的气象和水文资料,采用相关分析,经验正交分析等方法,讨论了该流域洪涝发生的规律及其与流域内降水分布的关系.文章指出,江流域的水位变化有明显的阶段性,且具有全流域一致的特性,目前正处在80年代以来洪涝较严重的阶段;嫩江流域降水异常偏多对松花江洪涝的影响比第二松花江的作用要大;1998年夏季,松花江,嫩江流域出现超历史纪录特大洪水的关键原因是嫩江流域6~8月的降水距平百分率远远超过了历史上的的最大值.
With the method of Citation Analysis, beginning with the notion of the three often-used Citation Measure Indexes, this paper re-defined the meaning of the three indexes in the the evaluation of publishing house; then with the three indexes, the contributi 摘要本文利用引文分析的方法,从期刊评价的三大引文测度指标的概念内涵入手,对其在出版社影响力评价中的含义进行了重新界定,并以此对在图书、情报和文献领域做出贡献的出版社进行了实证评价,最后在上述分析的基础上,对这三项指标的局限性进行了深入探讨。
With the method of reference metrology, this paper makes a statistical analysis of time, research scopes, periodical distribution, reference's author and the distribution of authors about the references on Low Zincstudies from 1989 to 2005. 摘要本文运用文献计量学方法,对我国1989~2005年间“低锌”研究文献的年代、研究领域、期刊分布、文献作者及其所在地区分布等进行了统计分析。

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