干细胞 蛋白质组 癌症 人参 移植 化疗 糖尿病
We aren't told how they got to the Leaky Cauldron, but we know from Chamber of Secrets that Diagon Alley is on the Floo Network.
中文: 没有告诉我们他们如何到达破釜酒吧,但是我们从《密室》知道对角巷在飞路网络上。 更详细进入...
As in Shakespeare, one Jet (Montague) and one Shark (Capulet) die tragically on stage, in street fight.
中文: 在莎士比亚作品中,一个蒙太古人和一个凯普莱特人悲惨地死于巷战中的舞台上。 更详细进入...
Cairo with its complex system of streets and lanes, its quarters and markets is like a labyrinth invented by ancient storytellers.
中文: 开罗迷宫般的大街小巷、居民区、集市所构成的复杂体系,宛如古代说书人编造的迷津。 更详细进入...
Streets are all the avenues and alleys in cities, which are the primary urban public space holding people daily public life.
中文: 摘要“街头”即城市里的大街小巷,是主要的城市公共空间,承载着市民的日常公共生活。 更详细进入...
The sounds of Christmas songs and honking horns provided background music for our walk through the streets.
中文: 圣诞节的歌声与汽车的喇叭声交汇在一起,成为我们穿街走巷购物的绝妙音乐背景。 更详细进入...
As the front entrance to the Summer Palace,it is composed of three gateways,and the middle one,also called Imperial Gateway,was reserved for emperor and empress.
中文: 东宫门是颐和园的正门,正中设三门洞,中门专门为帝后出入,又称“御路门”。 更详细进入...
One day, Lian Po in his carriage meets Lin Xiangru also in a carriage on the street. Driver, pull the carriage by the roadside to give way to the general!
中文: 这一天,廉颇的马车在街上与蔺相如的马车相遇。车夫,把马车停在巷边,给老将军让路。 更详细进入...
The numbers of species of each phylum of these 7 phyla i. e. Cynophyta, Pyrrophyta, Chrysophyta, Bacillariophyta, Chlorophyta, Euglenophgta and Charophyta are , , , , 8 , , respectively.
中文: 其中,蓝藻门种,甲藻门种,金藻门 种,硅藻门 种,绿藻门8 种,裸藻和轮藻门各有种。 更详细进入...
Gate, harmony doors, Wu Kuang doors, aluminum alloy.
中文: 卷闸门、和谐门、无框门、铝合金。 更详细进入...
Our main products include a series of flexible door, automation door, armor door, turnup door, bulletproof door, etc.. We can provide different material to satisfy the different custom, such as: stainless door, glass door with or without frame, crystal do
中文: 公司主要产品有:不锈钢伸缩门、铝合金电动伸缩门、压铸型伸缩门、不锈钢门花、不锈钢门、装甲门、电动门、卷帘门、车库门、防弹水晶门、旋转门、定做无框门、有框玻璃门、钛金门,还承包加工防盗网、防盗窗、楼梯扶手、网架、等一系列产品。 更详细进入...
Abstract: This paper discussed the roadways pressure characteristics of south sublevel caving region in Fengshan Copper Mine.By means of engineering practice and the measure results in site test,to counter the feature of roadways pressure,the supporting/r
中文: 文摘:对丰山铜矿南缘无底柱崩落法采区的巷道地压特征进行了探讨,针对其地压显现特点,结合工程实践和现场实验测量的结果,提出了不同地质条件下巷道的支护加固方案和地压控制措施。 更详细进入...
When I ride him on Sunday through the lanes at the edge of the town, the men from the country, clen-dressed and slow-moving, stand still to watch him.
中文: 星期天我骑着它穿过城郊野巷,那些来自乡间,衣着干净、举止悠闲得男生停下来打量它。 更详细进入...
Behind the pub is a small alleyway with trash cans and a brick wall. It is through this wall that the magic portal opens to take visitors into Diagon Alley.
中文: 酒吧后面是一条摆了垃圾桶的小街,上面有一道砖墙,这就是能把人带到对角巷的魔径了。 更详细进入...
I padded down unlit alleys towards a thread of music, and emerged beneath flat-blocks to see a floodlit wedding feast.
中文: 我跟随着隐约听到的音乐走进了漆黑的巷子,突然在居民楼之下出现了灯火通明的婚宴。 更详细进入...
The catch on this door seems to be broken. It won't open.
中文: 这扇门的门扣好象断了,门打不开了。 更详细进入...
It starts from agelong store of Mr.Chen, going round as yet at Gu Lang Yu.
中文: 作为鼓浪屿的四大名小吃之一,始源于公元1821年的巷口鱼丸铺-陈氏老店,在鼓浪屿流传至今。 更详细进入...
Narrow buildings and back alleys provide a multileveled skirmishbattleground, as your creatures battle between and atop the buildings.
中文: 狭窄的建筑及暗巷提供了多层次的战斗场所,你的生物们将在建筑物之间及顶上进行战斗。 更详细进入...
Tottenham's visit pits Michael Carrick against his former team, less than six weeks after swapping White Hart Lane for Old Trafford.
中文: 在从白鹿巷球场转会到老特拉福德的六个星期后,卡里克迎来了和老东家托特纳姆的对决。 更详细进入...
Our products including :Automatic sliding door,automatic sliding gate opener,automatic swing door opener,automatic swing gate opener,automatic garage door opener and other products.
中文: 公司产品范围主要包括自动平移门,自动平开门,自动门庭院门,自动车库门. 更详细进入...
The fringe of a drift of snow that hung on the edge of the hollow, disturbed by Nikita's fall, showered down on him and got inside his collar.
中文: 附带一巷的积雪,挂在边缘的空心,不安的尼基塔的秋天铺天盖地下来,他又找来放在他衣领. 更详细进入...
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