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    We will not hide them from their children; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done.

    中文: 4我们不将这些事向他们的子孙隐瞒。要将耶和华的美德和他的能力,并他奇妙的作为,述说给后代听。 更详细进入...
    [NIV] The look on their faces testifies against them; they parade their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it. Woe to them! They have brought disaster upon themselves.

    中文: 9[和合]他们的面色,证明自己的不正;他们述说自己的罪恶,并不隐瞒,好象6所多玛一样。他们有祸了,因为作恶自害! 更详细进入...
    I preyed if i could be son of Apollo, sunny enough to awake the heroes and angels in your hearts, melt the sorrow away.

    中文: 不要隐瞒,勇敢的说出你的相亲经历,让我们一起来探讨,到底相亲是否是我们走向婚姻殿堂的那条红地毯。。。。。。 更详细进入...
    Historical reflection: It is futile to criticize anyone as intentionally concealing historical truth.

    中文: 历史反思:指摘任何人故意隐瞒或伪饰历史都是无益的,因为“历史”原本就是这个样子的。 更详细进入...
    Public cynicism about official figures had become pervasive as Labour's Conservative predecessors fiddled 23 times with the unemployment count in an effort to bring it down to a politically acceptable level.

    中文: 随着工党保守派前任领导者23次欺瞒失业率数据并不遗余力的试图将其降为政治上可接受的水平,公众们对官方数字的讥讽也是此起彼伏不断蔓延。 更详细进入...
    Non-Circumvention Non-disclosure, and working Agreement between the participating parties. This and future transactions shall be conducts under the guidelines of the international chamber of commerce.

    中文: 参与的双方之间无欺骗,无隐瞒,有合作协定。本次及以后的交易必须符合国际商会的规定。 更详细进入...
    Should, after the conclusion of the contract of insurance, there be any non-disclosure, concealment or misrepresentation by the Insured of the material circumstances mentioned in the preceeding paragraph the Insurer shall be entitled to rescind the contra

    中文: 保险合同成立后,如果发现投保方对本条上款所述的主要危险情况不申报或者有隐瞒或者作错误的申报,保险方有权解除保险合同或者不负赔偿责任。 更详细进入...
    Celebrities make no secret of their visits to lap-dancing clubs—one reason why these have become a mainstream night out for many.

    中文: 那些社会名流们毫不隐瞒自己也出没于艳舞俱乐部,这也是为何它能成为许多人的夜生活主流的原因之一吧! 更详细进入...
    [bbe] And Joshua said to Achan, My son, give glory and praise to the Lord, the God of Israel; give me word now of what you have done, and keep nothing back from me.

    中文: 约书亚对亚干说、我儿、我劝你将荣耀归给耶和华以色列的神、在他面前认罪将你所作的事告诉我.不要向我隐瞒。 更详细进入...
    Because you must usually keep office relationships a secret, other employees may flirt with your partner or vice-versa.

    中文: 因为通常你必须要隐瞒办公室恋情,而其他员工可能会与你的伴侣打情骂俏,或是相反的情况。 更详细进入...
    But Somervell's concealment from Congress of the expanding size and cost of the project is all too familiar.

    中文: 但是索穆威尔瞒着国会加大建筑物的规模并增加此工程的成本在那时实在是太司空见惯了。 更详细进入...
    ARTICLE 49 Work units being examined shall designate special person(s) to receive examinational personnel, obligatorily provide the information, and answer the challenges from the examination personnel without concealment or refusal.

    中文: 第四十九条被查单位应由专人负责接待监督检查人员,有义务提供必要的情况,不得隐瞒或拒绝回答检查人员提出的质疑。 更详细进入...
    The officially titled “Supreme Scientist” also kept more than 60 bank accounts under different names and carried bags of cash between banks to obscure paper trails for his funding.

    中文: “最高科学家”的官方头衔使他以不同的姓名拥有60个银行账户并且在银行间转运成袋的现金来隐瞒他的资金的文件踪迹。 更详细进入...
    First, western companies need to be completely candid about the magnitude of the problem, hiding nothing, then spelling out the uncompromising steps they are taking with Chinese suppliers to eliminate it completely.

    中文: 首先,西方公司需要对问题的严重程度持完全坦率的态度,绝不隐瞒,然后清楚说明它们对中国供应商采取的毫不妥协的措施,以彻底消除问题。 更详细进入...
    6 If Party B cannot promptly respond to the service request of his customer, or can not provide service in time, or hide the information that he himself is unable to carry out the service, Party A will notify Party B and require Party B to take reasonable

    中文: 如果乙方对客户的需求不能及时的回应或不能及时为客户提供服务或者隐瞒没有能力提供服务事实的,甲方通知乙方并要求乙方采取合理的措施。 更详细进入...
    In everyday life I know, at least roughly, what I can hide from whom, whom I can turn to for information on what I do not know, and generally which types of individuals may be expected to have which types of knowledge.

    中文: 在日常生活中,至少我粗略得知道,我可以对谁隐瞒什麽,而哪些人是在我不知道时寻求协助的对象,或怎样的人会预期得到怎样的知识。 更详细进入...
    Ally worries if anyone can truly find their perfect mate while working on a case where a man sues his wife for fraud after finding eleven years worth of love letters she wrote to a fantasy lover.

    中文: 一名妻子竟然可以瞒骗丈夫十一年,一直写信给虚拟的梦中情人,这案令艾莉开始怀疑完美伴侣是否存在于人世间。 更详细进入...
    Declare ye among the nations, and publish, and set up a standard; publish, and conceal not: say, Babylon is taken, Bel is confounded, Merodach is broken in pieces; her idols are confounded, her images are broken in pieces.

    中文: 耶50:2你们要在万国中传扬报告、竖立大旗.要报告、不可隐瞒、说、巴比伦被攻取、彼勒蒙羞、米罗达惊惶.巴比伦的神像都蒙羞、他的偶像都惊惶。 更详细进入...
    A survey using a cluster sampling of adolescence was conducted to investigate the characteristics of self-disclosure and self-concealment in adolescence and the relationship between them and subjective well-being. 691 adolescents participated in filling i

    中文: 摘要采用问卷调查的方法,对691名初一至大四学生的自我表露和自我隐瞒特点及其与主观幸福感的关系进行了研究。 更详细进入...
    Taking into account colleagues have married, and some have children, she went behind her parents and joined voluntarily to the Xiaotangshan SARS hospital.

    中文: 2003年在北京SARS肆虐的危急时刻,上海医院方面要派人支援北京,考虑到同事已经成家,有些已有孩子,她瞒着父母,主动请缨到小汤山非典医院工作。 更详细进入...

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