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But Somervell's concealment from Congress of the expanding size and cost of the project is all too familiar.

But Sir Nicholas supports the idea of technology subsidies as a vital part of the policy mix. 但尼古拉斯爵士支持该措施,他认为技术补贴是政策发生互补作用的关键因素。
But Sir Tim remains optimistic. 但迪姆阁下保持着他的乐观态度。
But Smith struggled for goals after than initial success and suffered the ignominy of a red card in the Manchester derby in November. 虽然他仍然很努力,但是史密斯在开始的成功以后便很难进球了,并在11月份的曼城得比时耻辱地得到一张红牌。
But Soler is adamant the only way either player will depart the Mestalla is if release clauses in their contracts are triggered. 但是索莱尔表示两人离开俱乐部的唯一可能就是他们合同结束。
But Solomon built Him a house. 47却由所罗门为神建造殿宇。
But Somervell's concealment from Congress of the expanding size and cost of the project is all too familiar. 但是索穆威尔瞒着国会加大建筑物的规模并增加此工程的成本在那时实在是太司空见惯了。
But Song Bo ends up the loser as Jun Ren has got the support of most of the gang members. 没想到军人祺高一着,早已买通宋波身旁的亲信,宋波捉虎不着反类犬,成为军人的阶下囚。
But Spears\' publicists declined to comment on the media accounts. 然而,布兰妮公司的公关人员却拒绝对媒体的报道做出评论。
But Starbucks held an inexplicable attraction for me. (但是,对我来说,明星咖啡连锁公司有不可言喻的吸引力。)
But State Department officials say they do not expect any movement on such legislation before Nov. 7. 但是国务院官员称在11月7日以前这一立法不可能有什么进展。
But Stats Canada found there were other forces at work besides longer hours on the job. 加拿大统计局还发现,除了更长的工作时间外还有别的因素在起作用。

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