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Taking into account colleagues have married, and some have children, she went behind her parents and joined voluntarily to the Xiaotangshan SARS hospital.

Taking hush money from a gangster to keep your mouth shut about something you saw him do is dangerous. 说到来自一个黑社会人士为了让你保持闭嘴不谈你看到他做的事的封口费是很危险的。
Taking impermanence truly to heart is to be slowly freed from the idea of grasping,from our flawed and destructive view of permanence,from the false passion for security on which we have built everything. 真正体认无常可以慢慢解脱我们的执著,认为万物有常的错误观念,及将安全感建立在外相上面的谬误。
Taking improvement of gradesof domestic shoe products as aim,this company will continuously increase quality criteria of its products ,continuosly improve its after-sale,continuously improve its environmental protection concept ,continuously strive fort m 公司以提高国内鞋业产品档次为宗旨,将不断提高产品的质量标准,不断完善售后服务,为国内鞋业走向世界而继续努力。
Taking in the thought of the probability distribution of interval numbers, the thesis apply the method of entropy on comprehensive appraisal to the technological innovation project, thus up to the evaluation becoming more sufficient and scidntific. 摘要本文针对目前现状的调查,引入考虑区间数概率分布的思想,综合熵权对技术创新项目进行综合评价,从而达到了更加充分、科学的利用评价信息的目的。
Taking intercontinental ballistic missiles as objects under research, and based on the analysis of the influence of accelerometer measurement error and gyroscope excursion error on the apparent acceleration, the error transfer model of the inertial system 摘要针对洲际弹道导弹,在分析加速度计测量误差和陀螺漂移误差对导弹视加速度影响的基础上,给出了中制导段惯性系统对速度和位置的误差传递模型,对给定的惯组误差系数偏差进行了纯惯性导航制导误差计算。
Taking into account colleagues have married, and some have children, she went behind her parents and joined voluntarily to the Xiaotangshan SARS hospital. 2003年在北京SARS肆虐的危急时刻,上海医院方面要派人支援北京,考虑到同事已经成家,有些已有孩子,她瞒着父母,主动请缨到小汤山非典医院工作。
Taking into account temperature-dependent thermal conduction and heat capacity, a three-dimensional transient finite element model was established. 摘要在考虑随温度变化而变化的热传导、比热容等热物性参数的作用下,建立了直接金属多道烧结的三维有限元分析模型。
Taking into account the characteristics of the NMR spectrum or the resonance peak, the proposed algorithm uses an artificial neural network to choose the most appropriate algorithm to calculate the phase angles of a given peak. 针对这一情况,本文在综合研究多种现有自动相位校正算法的基础上,提出了一种基于神经网络的,可以根据谱图的特征来选取最合适的算法进行自动相位校正的综合算法。
Taking into account the counteraction of the hub-airport to the flight route network, the paper presents the integrated optimization problem of one hub-airport siting and flight route network design. 考虑到枢纽机场建设对航线网络的反作用,提出了单枢纽机场选址与航线网络规划综合优化问题。
Taking into account the height of the rooms, it was decided to divide the upper space into two mezzanine floors joined together by two bridge-corridors. 根据房间的高度,决定将上部空间分割出来作为隔层,由两根桥廊连接。
Taking into account the status quo of the moat in Taizhou City and the road arrangements at its center, this paper puts forward some traffic strategies, which succeed in making the traffic in rapport with the scenery and can serve as a comprehensive solut 摘要根据泰州市环城河现状和核心路网规划,致力于环城河风景区规划中交通策略为城市交通景观规划提供了综合的解决思路,使交通问题与景观需要同时得到妥善处置。

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