There aren't two selfsame leaves in the world.
中文: 世界上没有两片完全相同的树叶. 更详细进入...
Even gales of wind have to take some time, however brief, to reach somewhere afar, yet human thought takes but the thinking itself, swirling through all ends of the word, with nowhere too distant, nothing impossible.
中文: 风要到什么地方,都需要一点时间的,但思想却一想就到了,环游世界,没有什么地方去不到,没有什么事情做不到。 更详细进入...
A simple, guileless, inexperienced, or unsophisticated person.
中文: 单纯无知的人指坦率的,无诡计的,不谙世事的或没有社会经验的人 更详细进入...
I shall hunt you down through eternity if I must, until I rid this earth of your foul smell!
中文: 哪怕我死了我都不会放过你,直到世界上再也没有一丝你们的气味! 更详细进入...
There is no earthly reason why I shouldn't be as happy with him as any other.
中文: 并没有任何世俗的理由,为什么我不能和别人一样和他在一起幸福。 更详细进入...
No one else in the world had the power to do so.
中文: 世界上没有任何其他人可以办得到。” 更详细进入...
The most destitute person in the world is the one without a smile.
中文: 世界上最贫穷的人是没有笑容的人。 更详细进入...
I don't hang around all the time, but when I fill the sky at sunrise or sunset, my beauty is so striking that no one gives another thought to any of you.
中文: 我并不经常出没在天空,但日出或日落我在天际登场时,我的美丽足以惊世,没有人还会想起你们。” 更详细进入...
Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence!
中文: 世界上没有任何东西可以取代坚持。 更详细进入...
The Church has no temporal power in the modern state.
中文: 教会在现代国家中没有世俗的权力。 更详细进入...
God looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, that did seek God.
中文: 2神从天上垂看世人,要看有明白的没有,有寻求他的没有。 更详细进入...
I,John Smith, take you ,mary White, as my lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.
中文: 新郎的誓言:我,约翰使密斯,愿意娶马丽怀特为妻,不论现在或是将来,好或坏,富与贫,生病或健康,都会爱她,珍惜她,至死不渝。 更详细进入...
God looks down from heaven on the sons of men to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God.
中文: 2神从天上垂看世人,要看有明白的没有,有寻求他的没有。 更详细进入...
Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
中文: 诗人是世上没有得到承认的立法者。 更详细进入...
We have no God-given right to win a World Cup.
中文: 当我们没有上帝保佑来赢得世界杯。 更详细进入...
She is unschooled in the way of the world.
中文: 她不懂人情世故;她丝毫不懂世态炎凉。 更详细进入...
And are you sure of all this, are sure of it that nothing ill has befallen my boy?
中文: 这一世都是真的吗?你确实知道我儿子没有遭遇到任何不顺利的事吗? 更详细进入...
Look, it doesn't mean hoots if you have the BEST products in the world when no body is interested in them.
中文: 你看,但这并不叫声如果你有最好的产品在世界上是没有身体感兴趣. 更详细进入...
Without Picasso, Francis Bacon might never have taken up a paintbrush and thus deprived the world of one of the 20th century giants of the art world, according to a Paris exhibition.
中文: 没有毕卡索,法兰西斯.培根或许压根儿不会拿起画笔,世人也将因此失去一名二十世纪艺术世界的巨擘,根据一个巴黎展览指出。 更详细进入...
Intensified measures were taken to improve the image and appearance of Jinkai Road, Jinyu Road and Jintong Road and handled 90 cases of violation. 6699.42 M2 of road surface has been repaired.
中文: 对金开、金渝大道和金童路沿线进行了市容环境集中清理,共梳理整治项目90项。 更详细进入...