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    Santa is riding on the sleigh pulled by reindeers.

    中文: 圣诞老人驾着驯鹿拉的雪橇。 更详细进入...
    Domestication of a Nitrile Hydratase Producing Strain

    中文: 产腈水合酶菌株的驯化研究 更详细进入...
    If I can not live proudly, I choose to die.

    中文: 红色恋人:如果不能骄傲的活着,我选择死亡! 更详细进入...
    Supposing that you've made some progress, you should not be proud.

    中文: 假定你有了一些进步,你也不应该骄傲自大。 更详细进入...
    Arjen Rudd:A warning... is that not a bit tame?

    中文: 拉德:警告……没有一点驯服的意思? 更详细进入...
    Demesticated and arganisms’ habit about Cuora flavomarbinate

    中文: 黄缘闭壳龟的生活习性与驯养 更详细进入...
    Acclimation and Screening of Alcohol Yeast Tolerant to High Temperature

    中文: 耐高温酒精酵母菌驯化与筛选 更详细进入...
    Population shift and degrading characteristics of a pyrene-degrading bacterial consortium during incubation process

    中文: 芘降解菌群驯化过程中的演变 更详细进入...
    Selected body temperature and thermal tolerance of tadpoles of two frog species (Fejervarya limnocharis and Microhyla ornata) acclimated under different thermal conditions

    中文: 泽陆蛙和饰纹姬蛙蝌蚪不同热驯化下选择体温和热耐受性 更详细进入...
    A proud man hath many crosses.

    中文: 骄傲者挫折多。 更详细进入...
    Knowledge makes humble. ignorance makes proud.

    中文: 无知使人骄傲。 更详细进入...
    Are you too proud to kiss me?The morning light asks the buttercup.

    中文: 晨光问毛茛道:你是骄傲得不肯和我接吻么? 更详细进入...
    Granted / Granting the truth of what she has said, she ought not to be so pride to us.

    中文: 就算她说得对,她也不应该对我们如此傲慢。 更详细进入...
    These verses teach us to submit to one another, to be humble and not be proud.

    中文: 这些经节教我们如何相互顺服,谦卑不骄傲。 更详细进入...
    Don't let such a little victory puff you up.

    中文: 不要让这样一点点胜利使你们骄傲自大起来。 更详细进入...
    For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.

    中文: 诗73:3我见恶人和狂傲人享平安、就心怀不平。 更详细进入...
    She's the pride of the school.

    中文: 它是学校的骄傲。 更详细进入...
    Too much humility is pride.

    中文: 过分谦虚即骄傲。 更详细进入...
    Many kinds of squirrels are easy to tame.

    中文: 很多种类的松鼠都很容易驯养。 更详细进入...
    Acclimate and Screen of Likes Oxygen’s phenol-Degradation Bacterium

    中文: 苯酚好氧降解菌的驯化和筛选 更详细进入...

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