Before you go to Britain, you should brush up your English.
中文: 在去英国以前,你应该把英语复习一下。 更详细进入...
Marcel:Yes, the casualties have all been taken to hospital, the electricity supply has been restored and traffic is now flowing normally.
中文: 马塞尔:不错,伤者都送去医院,电力供应也恢复了。交通已经回复正常。 更详细进入...
She thought of brushing up her shorthand.
中文: 她想到要复习一下过去学过的速记术。 更详细进入...
This function returns a numeric array on success, or FALSE on failure or when there are no more rows.
中文: 如果函数成功执行,将返回一个数值型数组;如果执行失败或没有任何结果返回将返回False。 更详细进入...
[color=black]You want to believe [that Clemens might pitch in May], but you don't want to think about it, because you don't want to be disappointed if he decides that he wants another outing,Torre said.
中文: 托瑞表示”我们都相信他应该可以在五月重返大联盟出赛,但是不必太费心思去考虑,因为如果他觉得还需要多些小联盟比赛恢复状态,你才不会觉得失望”。 更详细进入...
This function returns an object on success, and FALSE on failure.
中文: 如果函数执行成功,将返回一个对象;如果执行失败,将返回False。 更详细进入...
If one tried to extend the elbow joint while on the side then the force would be applied to the side and not backward.
中文: 如果一个人在身体处于一侧时试着去展开肘关节那力量将用于这一侧而非使身体返回。 更详细进入...
Push downstream suppliers to rework non-conforming materials.
中文: 推动下游的供应商返修不良品。 更详细进入...
The weary troops marched back to the base.
中文: 疲惫不堪的士兵列队返回基地。 更详细进入...
Child Tax credit and Working Tax credit will become public funds shortly after the publication of this guidance.
中文: 小孩返税和工作返税在这指导的公布之后不久将成为公共的资金。 更详细进入...
This returns the given loaded config variable value. If no parameter is given, an array of all loaded config variables is returned.
中文: 返回指定配置变量的值。如果不指定变量名称,则会返回一个包含所有已加载配置变量的值的数组。 更详细进入...
High-speed stripper can effectively wipe off returning flow of fibres and decrease stopping rate, thus protecting doffer card clothing.
中文: 高速清洁辊有效去除返花,降低停车率,保护道夫针布。 更详细进入...
But Astro keeps returning to civilization.
中文: 但是亚斯卓不断重返文明世界。 更详细进入...
Striking New York City transit workers take steps to return to work while contract talks resume, a deal that could pave the way for service to return.
中文: 罢工的纽约市交通工人们开始返回工作岗位,同时和谈恢复,这是为恢复交通所做的新举措. 更详细进入...
This function returns the new temporary filename, or FALSE on failure.
中文: 这个函数返回了一个新的临时文件名;如果执行失败将返回False。 更详细进入...
The only way off the merry-go-round therefore is to understand; and through understanding to forgive.
中文: 因此,离开重复的唯一方法就是去理解,并透过理解去宽恕。 更详细进入...
Revising the Present/Future/Past Indefinite Tense and the Present Continuous Tense.
中文: 复习一般现在/将来/过去时和现在进行时。 更详细进入...
An astronaut will attempt to leave the stationary spaceship and then return to it.
中文: 一名宇航员试着离开静止不动的宇宙飞船,然后再返回。 更详细进入...
Resisting the desire to turn back, Maggie drove along the familiar lanes that lead to the parking bay at the foot of the hill.
中文: 抑制住返回去的冲动,玛吉开着车,沿着熟悉的小路一直行驶到山脚的停车场。 更详细进入...
The old view of Galileo was delightfully uncomplicated.
中文: 过去对伽利略的看法并不复杂(指不深奥),这是令人欣然的。 更详细进入...