E) The tinted glasses does not dim light to the eye enough to depress the wearer's mood substantially.
中文: 墨镜没有把光线变得如此暗淡以致使戴镜者的心情急剧消沉。 更详细进入...
Heavy soft drink consumption is associated with lower intake of numerous vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber.
中文: 沉重的饮料消费与降低摄入大量维生素和矿物质,及膳食纤维. 更详细进入...
They represent the stark twilight and unsatisfied thoughts which all have.
中文: 它可以代表绝对愚妄的晦暗与人人都有的不得满足的思想。 更详细进入...
A noontide have you been in our twilight, and your youth has given us dreams to dream.
中文: 你曾是我们晦暗时刻的阳光,你的青春曾给了我们织梦的题材。 更详细进入...
Regrettably , the illuminating ideas in The Economist are often obscured by stilted prose.
中文: 很可惜,书中许多精辟见解,却因过分做作的笔法,而隐晦难明。 更详细进入...
Be helpful for lighten asthma or cough. Appease nerve and blue mood.
中文: 有助于减轻气喘、咳嗽等症状,安抚神经,消除紧张心理和低沉情绪。 更详细进入...
The effects of restoration and disappearance of submerged macrophytes upon the structure and biodiversity of protozoan community
中文: 沉水植被的重建与消失对原生动物群落结构和生物多样性的影响 更详细进入...
Millie: Well try not to let it depress you. Why don't you come out with the gang this evening?
中文: 米莉:尽可能不要因为这件事消沉吧。今晚和大伙儿一起出去玩玩,好吗? 更详细进入...
Natural botanical ingredients reduce epidermal pigmentation and inhibit melanin production for a flawless, mono-chromatic appearance.
中文: 天然植物性成分消除表皮色素沉淀,抑制黑色素生成,造就零瑕疵肌肤! 更详细进入...
The New Bursel Aloe Essence, Anti-Acne &Pore Constricting Mask, uses the international gene high-tech to withdraw essence from Aloe, effectively eliminates the face external toxin, the fat pellet and comedo on the face, each kind of acne (powder perverses
中文: 全新白诗芦荟消痘收毛孔面膜,采用国际基因高新技术提取的芦荟素,芦荟酊,有效清除面部外来毒素,脂肪颗粒及面部黑头,各种痘痘(粉剌,黯疮)。 更详细进入...
Here in the deep darkness Comes a cavalryman Like a shooting star streaks With a banner in hand “Fire and glory!”
中文: 沉沉黑夜里群山间响起战马蹄声那是谁象流星划过平原带来了克德尔王胜利的消息他手举着旗高喊着:“火,与荣耀!” 更详细进入...
Something that settles to the bottom of a fluid; sediment.
中文: 沉渣沉到液体底部的东西;沉积物 更详细进入...
But does your experience in the war still inform your later work, however indirectly?
中文: 不管如何隐晦,你从军参战的经历是否还影响着你后来的作品呢? 更详细进入...
Conclusions: Tarnish of lownoble alloys is related to both nobility and microstructure.
中文: 论:低贵合金的晦暗不仅与贵金属含量有关而且与显微结构相关; 更详细进入...
If the cities seem bleak, the alternative is even less comforting.
中文: 即使城市看起来已经很阴冷黯淡,改变看起来更加让人不适。 更详细进入...
In the end, in despair, I sought out Inspector Badgworth. His face grew very grave.
中文: “最后,我绝望地去找班底华斯检察官。他的脸色变得相当黯淡。” 更详细进入...
Slovakia: From Black Hole to Leading Light How Slovakia transformed itself from a black holeto an investor's paradise.
中文: 从黯淡到辉煌:斯洛伐克是如何从“黑洞”转变为投资者天堂的? 更详细进入...
The sediment of coffee will settle.
中文: 咖啡的沉渣会沉淀。 更详细进入...
Sue found Behrman smelling strongly of juniper berries in his dimly lighted den below.
中文: 苏在楼下他那间光线黯淡的斗室里找到了嘴里酒气扑鼻的贝尔门。 更详细进入...