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Sue found Behrman smelling strongly of juniper berries in his dimly lighted den below.

Sue Leslie,a former top model,is now a successful businesswoman. 苏·莱丝莉,曾经是一个顶尖级的模特,现在则是一位美丽的商业女性。
Sue accused me for being selfish. 苏指责我太自私。
Sue agreed to leave the ranch to be with me, and eventually she came to live with me in L.A. 苏珊同意离开农场和我一起生活,最终我们一起回到了洛杉矶。
Sue and Allen take the packages inside. 苏和埃伦将包裹拿进室内。
Sue feels unhappy today because she has a terrible toothache. 苏今天牙很痛,她很不高兴。
Sue found Behrman smelling strongly of juniper berries in his dimly lighted den below. 苏在楼下他那间光线黯淡的斗室里找到了嘴里酒气扑鼻的贝尔门。
Sue found Behrman smelling strongly of juniper berries in his dimly-lighted den below. 在下面那间灯光昏暗的房子里,苏娥找到松子气味很重的贝尔曼。
Sue has built up her own business. She owns a company. 苏已经有了自己的生意,她有一家公司。
Sue is applying for a job as an office clerk. 苏在应聘一个办公室文员的工作。
Sue is eating chips, cotton candy and chocolate bar. 苏正在吃洋芋片、棉花糖和巧克力棒。
Sue is more beautiful than Jane. 苏比珍较美。

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