干细胞 蛋白质组 癌症 人参 移植 化疗 糖尿病
The Uruguay international is on the outer at Sevilla and the Spanish Liga club are keen to find a buyer for the forward.
中文: 这名乌拉圭前锋希望离开塞维利亚,在西班牙联赛或更高水平的俱乐部来提高自己的能力。 更详细进入...
The fact that China has signed the final act of the Uruguay Round of Gatt talks volumes about China's commitment to the new multilateral trade rules.
中文: 中国签署关贸总协定乌拉圭回合谈判的最后决议,充分说明中国恪守新的多边贸易规则。 更详细进入...
psd(pistil-stamen degeneration) is a mutant of the key gene that controls the development of sexual organs (pistil and stamen) in rice(Oryza sativa L.)
中文: psd(pistil-stamen degeneration)是在台湾粳/圭 0杂交F_花粉培养后代中发现的一个水稻花器官发育的突变体。 更详细进入...
As the front entrance to the Summer Palace,it is composed of three gateways,and the middle one,also called Imperial Gateway,was reserved for emperor and empress.
中文: 东宫门是颐和园的正门,正中设三门洞,中门专门为帝后出入,又称“御路门”。 更详细进入...
At 21, he has already cemented a starting role for his club, and is touted as Fabian Carini's successor in the Uruguayan national team.
中文: 在21岁时,穆萨雷拉已经代表俱乐部出场,在乌拉圭国家队,他被誉为是法比安·卡里尼的接班人。 更详细进入...
It's also possible the Uruguayan handled the ball as he chested it down, while Bologna were denied a strong penalty shout in the first half.
中文: 同样乌拉圭人胸部将球停下来的时候可能碰到了手,上半场,博洛尼亚曾被拒绝一个点球. 更详细进入...
The Paraguay player hurt his ankle during a training match on Wednesday and his condition will be assessed in the next few days.
中文: 这名巴拉圭球员在星期三的训练中,扭伤了自己的脚裸,他的伤势将在未来几天给出确定. 更详细进入...
To play in Argentina has always been my dream,said Montero. It's a good opportunity in order to be more close to my family and the national team of Uruguay.
中文: “在阿根廷踢球一直是我的梦想,”蒙特罗说:“这是一个很好的机会和家人和乌拉圭国家队重聚。” 更详细进入...
Although many townspeople and some geologists disagree, the company says any excess cyanide would drain away from Esquel.
中文: 尽管许多镇民和部分地质学家不同意,该公司表示,所有过量的氰化物将全数排出艾斯尔圭。 更详细进入...
Beckham is set to skipper England in Wednesday's friendly against Uruguay at Liverpool's Anfield stadium.
中文: 贝克汉姆将与本周三带领英格兰队,在利物浦安菲尔德体育馆与乌拉圭队进行一场友谊赛。 更详细进入...
The problems will be over when the ball starts going into the net,he told Brazilian media in Montevideo, where Brazil face Uruguay in a World Cup qualifier on Wednesday.
中文: 据路透社3月29日报道,面对媒体、球迷和专业人士的批评,正在乌拉圭首都蒙德维的亚备战世界杯预选赛巴西同乌拉圭队比赛的罗纳尔多表示,他将勇敢地接受目前的压力,并用进球让批评和怀疑他的人“销声匿迹”。 更详细进入...
The numbers of species of each phylum of these 7 phyla i. e. Cynophyta, Pyrrophyta, Chrysophyta, Bacillariophyta, Chlorophyta, Euglenophgta and Charophyta are , , , , 8 , , respectively.
中文: 其中,蓝藻门种,甲藻门种,金藻门 种,硅藻门 种,绿藻门8 种,裸藻和轮藻门各有种。 更详细进入...
Mexico, 6-0 conquerers of Paraguay in their quarter-final, made a lively start and nearly went ahead in the 18th minute when Andres Guardado, free on the left, cut inside his marker and hit the outside of the post.
中文: 墨西哥曾经在1/4决赛中6:0击败了巴拉圭,他们有一个漂亮的开局,他们在第18分钟的时候就差点领先,当时安德里斯瓜尔达多在左路出现空档时,眼底线切入,将皮球打在门主外侧。 更详细进入...
Gate, harmony doors, Wu Kuang doors, aluminum alloy.
中文: 卷闸门、和谐门、无框门、铝合金。 更详细进入...
Our main products include a series of flexible door, automation door, armor door, turnup door, bulletproof door, etc.. We can provide different material to satisfy the different custom, such as: stainless door, glass door with or without frame, crystal do
中文: 公司主要产品有:不锈钢伸缩门、铝合金电动伸缩门、压铸型伸缩门、不锈钢门花、不锈钢门、装甲门、电动门、卷帘门、车库门、防弹水晶门、旋转门、定做无框门、有框玻璃门、钛金门,还承包加工防盗网、防盗窗、楼梯扶手、网架、等一系列产品。 更详细进入...
In addition to Brazil and Colombia, President Bush will also travel to Uruguay, Guatemala and Mexico before returning home next Wednesday.
中文: 除了巴西和哥伦比亚以外,布什总统下星期三返回美国之前还要访问乌拉圭、危地马拉和墨西哥。 更详细进入...
They are Botswana, lvory Coast, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Africa, Uganda, Guyana, and Haiti.
中文: 这10个国家是:博茨瓦纳、科特迪瓦、埃塞俄比亚、肯尼亚、莫桑比克、卢旺达、南非、乌干达、圭亚那以及海地。 更详细进入...
Juventus are also reportedly interested in Uruguayan striker Edison Cavani, who is seen by some as the new Zlatan Ibrahimovic.
中文: 据传闻尤文图斯同样对乌拉圭前锋卡瓦尼感兴趣,他被一些人看作是新的伊布拉西莫维奇. 更详细进入...
The Gran Chaco is an alluvial plain covered with grass and hardwood forest in northeastern Argentina, northwestern Paraguay and southeastern Bolivia.
中文: 大查是一个冲积平原上复盖着草和阔叶林在阿根廷东北部,西北巴拉圭和玻利维亚东南部. 更详细进入...
Herzig P M,Hnnington M D,Scott S D,et al.Gold-rich sea-floor gossans in the troodos ophiolite and on the Mid-Altantic Ridge[J].Economic Geology,1991,36:1747.
中文: 李文达,王文斌,孙南圭,等.长江中下游硫化物矿床氧化带及铁帽评价研究[M].北京:地质出版社,1980. 更详细进入...
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