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    Upon any lateness or absence, students must first check in with the attendance officer, Mr.

    中文: 任何迟到或缺席的学生必须先到学生处(602室)考勤负责人童老师处登记,领取《课堂准入条》入教室。 更详细进入...
    Residual choleateatoma was found more frequently in the anterior epitympanum, the oval window niche, and the hypotympanum near the tubal orifice.

    中文: 容易残存的部位,依序为上鼓室前方、卵圆窗及下鼓室近耳咽管处。 更详细进入...
    What is the status of bretylium for the treatment of ventricular fibrillation (VF)/pulseless ventricular tachycardia (VT)?

    中文: 溴苄胺在室颤(VF)或无脉性室性心动过速(VT)治疗中处于何种地位? 更详细进入...
    Didn't you read the memo regarding safety in the office?

    中文: 妳没有看有关办公室安全的备忘录吗? 更详细进入...
    He settled his father in a corner of the waiting room.

    中文: 他把父亲安顿在候车室的一个角落里。 更详细进入...
    The partition wall just reaches the ceiling, so there is an air flow in the ceiling which will enter into the labs through the manhole.

    中文: 实验室隔墙只到吊顶处,吊顶内部空气是互串的,通过检修预留洞口及其它洞口处漏到实验室内部。 更详细进入...
    DON BRADLEY: There are their R &D laboratories.

    中文: 堂.布拉德利:他们有研发实验室。 更详细进入...
    Treatment of poisonous and deleterious materials from biological laboratory

    中文: 生物实验室常见有害物质处理的初探 更详细进入...
    Anne: Yeah, but the pipe broke and flooded the basement.

    中文: 安妮:是啊。不过水管破了,地下室被淹了。 更详细进入...
    The security and the warmth of the destroyer's sick bay were wonderful.

    中文: 驱逐舰的病室很安全也很温暖,好极了。 更详细进入...
    Construction and Administration Status of Biosafety Laboratory in China

    中文: 我国生物安全实验室建设和管理现状 更详细进入...
    Safety Management and Use of General Microbiology Laboratory

    中文: 普通微生物学实验室安全管理及使用 更详细进入...
    Responsible for QC lab daily task arrangement.

    中文: 负责质量控制试验室日常的工作安排. 更详细进入...
    Revelation from the Management of Class Ⅲ Bio-safety Laboratory in United States of America

    中文: 美国生物安全三级实验室管理的启示 更详细进入...
    Knowing that the Anglia is a two-door model makes the account of Harry's rescue from Privet Drive in CS3 difficult to follow.

    中文: 知道安格里亚是双门车型,使得在《密室》第3章中对援救哈利离开女贞路的记述难以理解。 更详细进入...
    A high official in a royal court, especially one aiding the sovereign in military affairs.

    中文: 王室最高军务官王室的高阶官员,尤指帮助君主处理军事事务的人 更详细进入...
    For a long time he has enjoyed the benefits of a room-mate and bed partner.

    中文: 长期以来他享受到室友和床伴的好处。 更详细进入...
    In Amway we can foresee a rewarding and comfortable future and we are proud to have made this business part of our lives.

    中文: 在安利我们看到充实和安逸的将来,现在安利已成为我们生活的一部份。 更详细进入...
    There's (a feeling of) unrest in the air.

    中文: 四处充满了不安(的感觉). 更详细进入...
    The Democratic Party will use its majority status over the next couple of years to deepen the public's unease about the administration's conduct of the war.

    中文: 民众对当局处理战事焦虑不安,未来几年里,民主党会利用其占多数议席的地位,进一步加深这一不安。 更详细进入...

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