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In Amway we can foresee a rewarding and comfortable future and we are proud to have made this business part of our lives.

In American political elections the candidates that win are usually the ones who have green power backing them. 在美国政治竞选中获胜的候选人通常都是些有财团支持的人物。
In American society boys and girls are raised together. 在美国社会里,男孩和女孩是在一起长大的。
In American, Jazz, Rock and Role, Western and country music are the main type of popular music. Jazz is considered the U.S’ s unique contribution to music. 爵士乐,摇滚乐和西部乡村音乐是美国流行音乐的几种形式,爵士乐被认为是美国人对音乐的特别贡献。
In American, it is generally thought that being a workaholic is unhealthy and harmful. 在美国,一般人都觉得工作过度是不健康的,甚至于有害健康。
In Amway I've experienced a true team spirit and seen the power of working together. This enables me to stay positive when facing adversity and assert myself to the fullest. 在安利发展后,我体会到团体精神和力量,也使我更积极的面对困难及逆境,过著充实的生活。
In Amway we can foresee a rewarding and comfortable future and we are proud to have made this business part of our lives. 在安利我们看到充实和安逸的将来,现在安利已成为我们生活的一部份。
In Amway we have the chance to constantly upgrade ourselves. This personal growth has boosted our confidence and given us the strength and conviction to strive for success. 安利生意引领我们不断改进自己,得到个人成长的机会,使我们更有信心面对将来,一步步的踏上成功的阶梯。
In Amway, I'm able to set clear and achievable goals, allowing me to make realistic plans for the future. 在安利我能够为自己订立明确和可达到的目标,令我对人生充满希望。
In Anadyr, the regional capital, there is a cinema, hotel, museum, supermarket and cultural centre. 区首府阿纳德尔还拥有剧场、旅馆、博物馆、超市和文化中心。
In Ancient Egypt, doorways were built with or without a pylon on each side. 在古埃及,在两边用或不用一塔门建造门口。
In Ancient Japan they signified social status and in New Zealand the Maori people differentiated members of different tribes by their tattoos. 在古日本,它象征着社会地位,而在新西兰毛利人则通过他们的纹身来区分不同部落的成员。

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