By a rescript of January 9, 1852, his Holiness Pious IX granted an indulgence of 100 days to all the faithful who recite with a contrite heart this little chaplet.
中文: 教宗庇护九世于1852年1月9日之文告内授予以忏悔之心诵念此段简短念珠祷文之所有信徒100天之大赦。 更详细进入...
One basic difference between English and Japanese is word order.
中文: 英语和日语之间一个基本差别是词语的顺序不同。 更详细进入...
What is the difference between the first-class fare and the second-class fare?
中文: 头等票和二等票之间差多少? 更详细进入...
Beyond Core Knowledge: Natural Number.Chap. 7 in The Origin of Concepts.
中文: 核心知识之外:自然数〉。选自《概念之源》第七章。 更详细进入...
The votes thus fell one short of the two-thirds necessary for conviction.
中文: 于是,最后的投票结果因为一票之差,而无法达到三分之二的定罪规定。 更详细进入...
I can't perceive any difference between them.
中文: 我无法察觉他们之间的差异。 更详细进入...
I have no idea what will be a good souvenir from a ski trip.
中文: 滑雪之旅回来时,买什么纪念品好,我一点主意也没有。 更详细进入...
A year ago, the contrast between the Paris-based IEA and OPEC was far less marked.
中文: 一年前,国际能源机构与欧佩克之间预测差别并不大。 更详细进入...
There are differences between light and midium retarded children.
中文: 中度智力落后与轻度落后儿童之间存在一定的差异; 更详细进入...
Raise the forefinger of your right hand, say :) I bear witness that there is no god but Allah. I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and His messenger.
中文: 提起右手食指,念:)我作证,无一是主,唯有安拉,又作证,穆罕默德是主忠仆,是主差使。 更详细进入...
A condition affecting the body's circadian clock, similar to jet lag, but instead stemming from altering one's sleep hours over a weekend of hard partying and drinking rather than from a long flight.
中文: 一种影响生物钟的状态,类似与时差,却与时差概念相去甚远,特指在周末一夜狂欢后,大补瞌睡以后以调整工作日不打瞌睡的状态. 更详细进入...
I remember the days of old; I meditate on all thy works; I muse on the work of thy hands.
中文: 我追想古时之日,思想你的一切作为,默念你手的工作。 更详细进入...
No significant sex difference was found in those beliefs about outcome expectancies and self-devaluation with dependent on drugs.
中文: 就用药信念组型而言,仅见男性有显著较多的「低估毒瘾」信念,「效果期待」与「自贬依毒」等信念组型并无显著的性别差异。 更详细进入...
Among the pilgrims was the Indian emperor Ashoka, who erected one of his commemorative pillars there.
中文: 印度的阿育王也是朝拜者之一,并在此建立了一个他的纪念碑。 更详细进入...
The authors keep the readers guessing right down to the last deadly kiss.
中文: 作者一直在给读者制造着悬念,直到最后一幕的那个致命之吻。 更详细进入...
Long serial analysis of gene expression of different phases of Candida albicans
中文: 以LongSAGE方法寻找不同菌相生长白念珠菌细胞差异表达基因 更详细进入...
The DNA Sequence Difference of ERG11 Gene Between the Yeast-form and the Hyphal-form of Candida albicans
中文: 白念珠菌菌丝相和酵母相ERG11基因部分序列差异性的探讨 更详细进入...
I nearly smashed the phone in fury.
中文: 盛怒之下,我差点把电话机砸碎。 更详细进入...
Angus: I still cant believe we came to so close to winning the contract!
中文: 安格斯:我仍然不相信,我们非常接近冠军,仅差一步之遥! 更详细进入...
How can we bridge the gap between rich and poor?
中文: 怎样才能缩小贫富之间的差距? 更详细进入...