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Beyond Core Knowledge: Natural Number.Chap. 7 in The Origin of Concepts.

Beware of the teachers of the law. 46你们要防备文士。
Beware of your friends; do not trust your brothers. For every brother is a deceiver, and every friend a slanderer. 4你们各人当谨防邻舍,不可信靠弟兄。因为弟兄尽行欺骗,邻舍都往来谗谤人。
Beware that there is no base thought in your heart, saying, 'The seventh year, the year of remission, is near,' and your eye is hostile toward your poor brother, and you give him nothing; then he may cry to the Lord against you, and it will be a sin in yo 申15:9你要谨慎、不可心里起恶念、说、第七年的豁免年、快到了.你便恶眼看你穷乏的弟兄、甚麽都不给他、以致他因你求告耶和华、罪便归于你了。
Beware that wrath does not entice you to scoffing; And do not let the greatness of the ransom turn you aside. 伯36:18不可容忿怒触动你、使你不服责罚.也不可因赎价大就偏行。
Beware the Vulcan greed for knowledge. 教条79-留心瓦肯人对知识的渴求。
Beyond Core Knowledge: Natural Number.Chap. 7 in The Origin of Concepts. 核心知识之外:自然数〉。选自《概念之源》第七章。
Bigin big barnis a descriptive adjective. 大在大谷仓中是个描写性形容词。
Bill called for the third time. When are you going to call him back? 22比尔打来三次了,你什么时候可以回他电话?
Bill has begun thinking about a new book that will talk about new technology and how innovation is going to transform the way we communicate, entertainment and also how innovation is going to have a profound effect at large institutions,Pinette said. 培迪特说:“比尔已经开始考虑新书的内容,这本新书在介绍新技术的同时将阐述创新给人们的交流和娱乐方式带来的改变,以及创新对整个社会产生的深远的影响。”
Billy, cross my heart, it wasn't me who broke your bicycle. 这个孩子说:“比利,不是我把你的自行车弄坏的,我发誓。”
Binding Heal: The mana cost has been reduced by 32%. The tooltip has been adjusted to indicate it is a low threat spell, which was already the case. 联结治疗:法力值消耗降低32%。该法术为低威胁法术,以后的技能说明中将明确指出。

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