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    The soul is immortal.

    中文: 灵魂不灭. 更详细进入...
    The creativity is the design soul, but designs is my soul!

    中文: 创意是设计的灵魂,而设计就是我的灵魂! 更详细进入...
    The online sales mix is still heavily air dominated by the strong presence of the Low Cost Carriers who now sell around 95% of their tickets online.

    中文: 在线销售的结构仍然十分依赖来自低价航空公司的机票销售,他们95%的机票是在线销售的。 更详细进入...
    Their eyes gleam darkly, and their ears ate pointed and serrated in back.

    中文: 他们的眼睛闪耀着黯淡的光泽,耳朵尖并在后缘呈锯齿状。 更详细进入...
    Wiccans believe that both animate and inanimate objects possess a spirit which forms part of the Whole. Spirit is that essence which every object possesses linking it to nature.

    中文: 巫术崇拜者相信有生命体和无生命体都具有构成整体的部分灵魂。灵魂是每一个物体拥有与大自然相连接的本质。 更详细进入...
    Soul Feeder : All feeder weapons have a special ability that functions on scoring a successful critical hit.

    中文: 吸魂:造成重击时吸魂武器的特殊能力生效。 更详细进入...
    Ask one to perform a joint sales call and critic.

    中文: 请两位学员展示联合销售拜访然后评估. 更详细进入...
    The main promotion will be through advertising, using a pullstrategy, of course.

    中文: 主要通过广告促销,当然是运用“拉”的策略。 更详细进入...
    Then Kate, you talk about major markets and sales strategy.

    中文: 然后,凯特,你来谈主要的市场和销售策略。 更详细进入...
    Ancestral Spirit - Allows a Spirit Walker to resurrect dead non-Hero Tauren.

    中文: 先古之魂-灵魂行者可以复活非英雄的牛头人. 更详细进入...
    Deutschland und Russland haben beim Petersburger Dialogin Dresden ihre strategische Partnerschaft bekr?ftigt. überschattet wurde der Dialog vom Mord an der russischen Journalistin Anna Politkowskaja.

    中文: 在德累斯敦的彼得堡会谈使德国和俄罗斯加强了其战略伙伴关系。但对话因俄罗斯女记者安娜的被杀而黯然失色。 更详细进入...
    The Christ soul was interested in the plight of its brother souls trapped in earth, and after supervising the influx of human souls into flesh, the Christ soul took form itself, from time to time, to act as a leader for the people.

    中文: 基督灵魂对它的陷于地球的兄弟灵魂感兴趣,在指导人类灵魂流入肉体之后,基督灵魂时而自己投生为人,以领导世人。 更详细进入...
    You have died, a sheep without soul ,which has already been engulfed by maggot's worm.

    中文: 你死了,一个没有灵魂的羔羊,灵魂,已被蛆虫吞噬。 更详细进入...
    Applause is the spur of noble minds, the end and aim of weak ones.

    中文: 掌声是高贵灵魂的激励,虚弱灵魂的目的和终点。 更详细进入...
    But is there really a connection between Value Added Sales and Quality Control for Chinese sales professionals?

    中文: 然而,对于中国销售专业人士而言,增值销售和质量控制之间真的有关联吗? 更详细进入...
    Things themselves touch not the soul, not in the least degree; nor have they admission to the soul, nor can they turn or move the soul: but the soul turns and moves itself alone, and whatever judgements it may think proper to make, such it makes for itsel

    中文: 事物自身无法触及灵魂,即使在最小程度上也不可能;它也无法进入灵魂,不能影响灵魂,灵魂自我影响,自我运动,灵魂对自认为正确的事情自我实施,不待他求。 更详细进入...
    Based on the background Song Yu wrote his Evocation, it should be Chuxiang King who was evocated.

    中文: 宋玉《招魂》的创作背景,当与楚襄王射猎云梦、惊兕失魂有关,其所招应为楚襄王之生魂。 更详细进入...
    Catholics, he tells us, held that ghosts came from Purgatory and were actually souls of the departed.

    中文: 他说,天主教认为,鬼魂来自炼狱,是亡者的真正灵魂。 更详细进入...
    Ghosts and the dead fall under the purview of this Arcanum, as does the health of the soul.

    中文: 鬼魂以及死者属于此奥秘范围内,以及灵魂的健康。 更详细进入...
    Who the hell carelessly told me to start here, and left me in this maze?

    中文: 是谁不负责任地告诉我从这儿开始,然后留我在指示不清的迷魂阵里? 更详细进入...

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