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But is there really a connection between Value Added Sales and Quality Control for Chinese sales professionals?

But is that really due to a tectonic shift or to the errors of a single administration? 但是,这一切真的都是因为一个结构性调整或者单个政府的错误么?
But is the current economic boom any more sustainable? 但是,目前的经济繁荣景象会持续下去吗?
But is the problem insuperable? 但是,这个问题就真无回旋之地了吗?
But is the same true of all American media families? 但所有掌控美国媒体的家族都是如此么?
But is there for the night a resting-place? 且问夜幕降临可有店歇脚?
But is there really a connection between Value Added Sales and Quality Control for Chinese sales professionals? 然而,对于中国销售专业人士而言,增值销售和质量控制之间真的有关联吗?
But is this also true of the “darker legacies of National Socialism and Fascism” in contemporary Europe? 但是,在当代欧洲,“国家社会主义和法西斯主义的黑暗遗产”也是真实的存在吗?
But isn't it a bit dull at times?’ the Mole ventured to ask. ‘Just you and the river, and no one else to pass a word with? “不过,是不是有时也会感到有点无聊?”鼹鼠壮着胆子问。“光是你跟河一道,没有别的人跟你拉拉家常?”
But isn't that absurd? 不过那不是很荒谬吗?
But isotopes can do more. 但是同位素的用处更多。
But it also enables the spread of tumors throughout the body, so researchers have been scrambling for ways to stop angiogenesis in the fight against cancer. 但是,这也使得肿瘤可以扩散到全身,因此研究人员已经在抗癌中努力寻找停止血管发生的方法。

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