The woman replied, A billionaire.
中文: “那时他是个千万富翁。” 更详细进入...
Water power resource is the most in the coastal area of Fujian Province, theory contain is 260,000 kw, 174,000 kw of which is available for development, among them 155,700 kw are able to set up single hydropower station with 100 kw or more, the annual amo
中文: 水力资源居福建省沿海县区之最,理论蕴藏量达26万千瓦,可开发的装机容量17.4万千瓦,其中单站装机100千瓦以上约15.57万千瓦,年均发电6.52亿千瓦时。 更详细进入...
Go with me on difficult journeys.Never sayIcan't bear to watch it or let it happen in my absent.
中文: 当我要捱过最辛苦的历程时,请千万不要说:「我不忍心看他。」 更详细进入...
[bbe] On that day twelve thousand were put to death, men and women, all the people of Ai.
中文: 当日杀毙的人、连男带女、共有一万二千、就是艾城所有的人。 更详细进入...
Cultivation is a matter of dedicated self-effort, even though one has been taught one thousand or ten thousand times.
中文: 修行的事,说了一千、说了一万,还是要靠自己努力! 更详细进入...
Don't laugh at him; he's very sensitive.
中文: 千万别笑他, 他很敏感. 更详细进入...
MP: Can I borrow $50 million?
中文: 能借我五千万花花吗? 更详细进入...
By the time we launch our apps, we have thousands of emails to ping which is a big help in gaining traction.
中文: 当我们的应用正式发布时,成千上万的电邮向我们涌来,这对赚取眼球帮了大忙。 更详细进入...
Be sure to be watchful or alert.
中文: 必须留神,千万要提防。 更详细进入...
in no case should you threaten him/her with death.
中文: 千万不要以死相威胁. 更详细进入...
During the civil war thousands of people fled the country.
中文: 在内战期间成千上万的人逃离了这个国家. 更详细进入...
It is a symbiotic relationship that has worked well for millions of years.
中文: 这个互利共生的关系已经持续了千百万年。 更详细进入...
Whatever you do, don't provoke anyone else, do you hear?
中文: 不管你做什么,千万不要激怒别人,听到了吗? 更详细进入...
Alongside the border of the priests the Levites shall have 25, 000 cubits in length and 10, 000 in width. The whole length shall be 25, 000 cubits and the width 10, 000.
中文: 结48:13利未人所得的地、要长二万五千肘、宽一万肘、与祭司的地界相等、都长二万五千肘、宽一万肘。 更详细进入...
Cambrian The earliest period of the Paleozoic era, about 590-510 million years ago.
中文: 寒武纪:地质年代古生代的第一个纪,在五亿九千万到五亿一千万前。 更详细进入...
When the President died, thousands of people saw his body lying in state.
中文: 总统逝世时,成千上万的人瞻仰了他的遗容。 更详细进入...
The Hostess: To say that you've come a long way is an understatement.
中文: 女主持:说你历经了千辛万苦一点也不为过。 更详细进入...
provoke Whatever you do, don't provoke anyone else, do you hear?
中文: 不管你做什么,千万不要激怒别人,听到了吗? 更详细进入...
Electric Power: In Binzhou, power plants with a capacity of 500kw or more produce a total capacity of 257.5MW ; transformers with a capacity over 35kv total 1791.7MV;and power lines with capacity over 35kv stretch 1524.2 kilometers.
中文: 电力:全市拥有500千瓦以上电力总容量25.75万千瓦;有35千伏以上变压器总容量179.117万千伏安,35千伏及以上输电线路1524.2公里。 更详细进入...
But don't open his refrigerator.
中文: 但是千万别开他的冰箱。 更详细进入...