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Go with me on difficult journeys.Never sayIcan't bear to watch it or let it happen in my absent.

Go white-water rafting on the Zambezi River, the river that provides the world's greatest whitewater adventure. All the rapids are big and fast-grades 4 and 5. 到尚比西河来个激流泛舟,这条河拥有全世界最顶级的激流冒险之旅。每个急流都又大又快,级数在四到五之间。
Go whither you please. 到你喜欢的任何地方去。
Go with Passion, Go with Friends, Go with TITICACA.co.uk! 暑假和朋友一起去旅游吧!(TITICACA有特别优惠呀!!!)
Go with her to church. 和她一起去教堂礼拜。
Go with me on difficult journeys . Never say : I can't bear to watch it .or Let it happen in my absence . 当我要捱过最辛苦的历程,千万不可以说:「我不忍心看牠。」或者「让我不在场时才发生。」
Go with me on difficult journeys.Never sayIcan't bear to watch it or let it happen in my absent. 当我要捱过最辛苦的历程时,请千万不要说:「我不忍心看他。」
Go with the flow and enjoy your time with whomever you are with but don't make promises or expect them in return. 跟着潮流走吧,和在一起的朋友尽情玩乐,但是不要做出任何许诺,也不要期待什么回报。
Go with your mouse over the small thumbnail on the left of a layer and then: Click, CTRL+LEFT MOUSE, and you'll see that the layers boundary's are selected. 使用你的鼠标,在层的交叉处按下ctrl键和鼠标左键,你会发现这个层都被选中了。
Go within and assess, and then make the commitment to the change, and earth will align her dream with oneself as an ascending being for such a choice. 进入内在并评定,然后承诺去变化,地球将因你这样一个选择而把你作为提升者排列进她的梦想。
Go without saying,animals can't live without water. 不用说,动物没有水是无法生存的。
Go without saying,the second vocabulary is easy to remember than the first . 不用说,第二个词表比第一个词表更容易记忆.

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