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Water power resource is the most in the coastal area of Fujian Province, theory contain is 260,000 kw, 174,000 kw of which is available for development, among them 155,700 kw are able to set up single hydropower station with 100 kw or more, the annual amo

Water pollution makes our rivers and lakes brown and dirty. 水质污染使我们的河流和湖泊变成褐色且肮脏。
Water pollution makes the residents vulnerable to diseases. 水的污染使居民们容易得病。
Water pollution problems in the Pearl River Delta are analyzed, which are due to geographic conditions and human activities and become complicate. 摘要珠江三角洲是我国经济发展速度最快的地区之一,但其水环境受到复杂的自然地理条件和人类开发活动多重因素的影响而显得尤为复杂。
Water polo quickly became a very rough sport, filled with underwater fights away from the ball, and it wasn't unusual for players to pass out for lack of air. 水球很快就成为了一种粗野的运动,比赛的过程中充斥着非持球选手的水下争斗。参加者因为缺乏空气而昏倒的情况并不鲜见。
Water polo was the first team sport added to the Olympic program, in 1900. 水球在1900年作为第一种团队运动被加入奥运项目当中。
Water power resource is the most in the coastal area of Fujian Province, theory contain is 260,000 kw, 174,000 kw of which is available for development, among them 155,700 kw are able to set up single hydropower station with 100 kw or more, the annual amo 水力资源居福建省沿海县区之最,理论蕴藏量达26万千瓦,可开发的装机容量17.4万千瓦,其中单站装机100千瓦以上约15.57万千瓦,年均发电6.52亿千瓦时。
Water pump coupling is the special fire epuipument for hige-rise combing with fire mechanically driven pump,it settles the problem of inefficient water pressure in high-rise and ensures the water supply. 消防水泵接合器是为消防机动泵配套的高层建筑供的专用消防设备,主要解决高层建筑水压不足的问题,保证高层建筑的消防用水。
Water purification Lu:liao products mainly walnut shell Lu:liao, fibres ball Lu:liao, activated charcoal, anthracite Lu:liao, quartz sand Lu:liao, stone Lu:liao, PP filters, rags, soft materials. 净水滤料产品主要有核桃壳滤料、纤维球滤料、活性炭、无烟煤滤料、石英砂滤料、麦饭石滤料、PP滤芯、净水剂、软性填料等。
Water purpose: food and beverage, medicine, concentration, purification, RO pre-treating, coating, recollecting wastewater caused by plating, and table-water manufacture. 产水用途:食品饮料、医药行业工艺浓缩,提纯、RO预处理、涂装、电镀废水回收、矿泉水制备。
Water quality can deteriorate in the summer. 夏季时水质会变坏。
Water quality control: the inspection of bacterial endotoxin in high-quality water used for drug production , the manrfacture of medical equipments , etc. 高质量水质控制:在制药工业、食品工业、医院、医疗设备制造及其他边缘工业中可广泛用于高质量水的内毒素检测。

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