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    Any unit or individual may not, by any means, ask or express implicitly their intention to the certified public accountant and the accounting firm to which the certified accountant belongs to issue false or inappropriate auditing report .

    中文: 任何单位或者个人不得以任何方式要求或者示意注册会计师及其所在的会计师事务所出具不实或者不当的审计报告。 更详细进入...
    Where any enterprise or other organization of Hong Kong, Macao, or Taiwan applies for a patent, or has other patent matters to attend to before the Patent Office, it shall appoint a patent agency designated by the State Intellectual Property Office.

    中文: 香港、澳门或者台湾地区的企业或者其他组织向专利局提出专利申请或者办理其他专利事务,应当委托国家知识产权局指定的专利代理机构办理。 更详细进入...
    These voyagers lost their way after the storm.

    中文: 暴风雨过后,航行者们迷失了方向。 更详细进入...
    Drop by anytime.

    中文: 随时欢迎参观者。 更详细进入...
    As the trial neared its close, reporters watched closely to see what the prosecutors' endgame would be.

    中文: 当审判接近结束时,记者们仔细的看著检察官们最终的决定是什麽。 更详细进入...
    Delivers completed Inspection Summary Report to the organization's peer review coordinator.

    中文: 提交完成的评审总结报告给组织的同行评审协调者。 更详细进入...
    The latest bout of consumer gloom is no different.

    中文: 最近,消费者信心低迷与以前相同。 更详细进入...
    Your hypnotic eyes will capture the hearts of those who interest you.

    中文: 你迷人的眼神会捕获追求者的心。 更详细进入...
    The reporter covered the murder trial.

    中文: 该记者报导了那件谋杀案的审判。 更详细进入...
    Abstract: According to the survey on the visitors in the Osaka World Expo, this paper analyzes the five characteristics of visitors' behavior, that is, the considerable proportion of the impromptu visitors, the average 6 to 7 hours that the visitors staye

    中文: 摘要:根据大阪世博会参观者调查报告,分析了参观者行为的5个特征:即兴参观者占相当比重;参观者在世博园区平均逗留6小时~7小时;观众实际参观展馆的时间比重为1/3强;外国展馆和娱乐活动深受欢迎;不同参观团体存在需求差异等。 更详细进入...
    Shandong Taian Zhongfei International Travel Agency was approved by the State Tourism Bureau, registered in the State Commercial Bureau.We are to serve ovetsea visitors as sightseeing, leisure, business and trade negotiation, domestic tours and individual

    中文: 山东泰安中飞国际旅行社是经山东省旅游局审核、国家旅游局批准,泰安市工商局注册成立的,以招徕、接待海外各国旅游者来华观光、休闲、考察、商务、经贸洽谈等的国际旅行社。 更详细进入...
    Jas. 4:12 One is Lawgiver and Judge, who is able to save and destroy. But who are you who judge your neighbor?

    中文: 雅四12设立律法者和审判者只有一位,就是那能救人,也能灭人的。你这审判邻舍的,你是谁? 更详细进入...
    When abstention from theft is perfected, the yogi can have whatever he desires.

    中文: 当偷窃的观念消除而趋于完美时,修持者将获得满足。 更详细进入...
    At other times, the watcher will dictate what to do to the driver.

    中文: 反之,观察者可以指示操作者该如何做。 更详细进入...
    Since McGuffey was a Calvinist, he believed that God's word applied to all of life; his Readers reflect this conviction.

    中文: 初级读本描绘神是一个创造者、维护生命者、及世界的审判官。 更详细进入...
    The peer review coordinator shall maintain these metrics in a repository and produce periodic reports of summary data for practitioners and managers.

    中文: 同行评审协调者应当在存储库中保存这些度量值,并生成阶段性的数据总结报告给实践者和经理们。 更详细进入...
    The dancers warmed up backstage while the members of the audience were finding their seats.

    中文: 当观众正在找座位时,这些舞者正在后台做准备运动。 更详细进入...
    GAO is required to audit these statements.

    中文: GAO(美国总审计局)对报告进行审计。 更详细进入...
    Onlooker:I haven't got the patience.

    中文: 旁观者:我没那耐性。 更详细进入...
    The shop of a pawnbroker.

    中文: 当铺开当铺者的店 更详细进入...

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